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You have thyroid, parathyroid and adrenal glands in your body. Thyroid produces thyroxine hormone. Parathyroid gland produces parathyroid hormone. Adrenal gland produces the cortisol and adrenaline, for example.

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12y ago

Pancreas= Insuline and glucagon

Hypothalamus = Oxitocine and vasopressine

Adrenal gland = aldosterone

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Q: What are 3 encrodine glands and what hormones do they produce?
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What is the chemical product of an endocrine gland?

The chemical product of an endocrine gland is called a hormone. These cause changes in the body. Different glands will produce different hormones for different purposes. For example, the adrenal glands will produce adrenaline (fight or flight hormone), the pituitary gland will produce testosterone and oestrogen (puberty hormones) and the hypothalamus in the brain will produce many hormones that regulate bodily functions such as breathing, heart-beat, body temperature etc.

What organ produces hormones?

!.the endocrine system. 2. There are endocrine and exocrine glands in this system. 3. Hormones are produced in the pancreas, thyroid, kidneys, suprarenal glands (or adrenal glands) reproductive organs...and maybe the GI tract, I think.

Two types of glands found in the skin are the and glands?

Endocrine1. produces hormones which travel along the blood vessels sending signals for metabolism, mood, and many bodily functions; hormones travel inside the body, and are not intended to leave the body through any opening.2. endocrine glands usually release the hormones directly into the blood stream, there are no specific ducts or vessels for them to move out of the gland.3. it's an integrated system of small organs which produce hormones to control many internal bodily functions.Exocrine:1. Many exocrine glands produce liquids, many of which are enzymes, which leave the glands via ducts and empty into a body cavity such as intestine, mouth, or completely exit the body (via duct opening in skin). They have an immediate destination unlike the hormones traveling all over the body via blood vessels.2. Many exocrine glands have special ducts which take the enzyme or liquid produced by the gland to the outside of the body or to a body cavity.3. The exocrine glands operate more independently from other exocrine glands. And the enzymes they produce often work on the outside of the body: the digestive system is inside the body but it is actually a system which transports nutrients external to the body - mouth to anus is like an external long tube containing matter which is not part of the body (food eaten, digested matter, and waste).

What part of the skin produce perspiration which helps cool your body?

There are 2-3 million eccrine glandsdistributed over every inch of skin on the human body. They produce a clear, odorless substance that is mostly water with sodium chloride in small amounts. They become active during thermoregulation (cooling of the body) and emotional sweating (anxiety, fear, stress and pain). Other skin glands are the sebaceous glands (oil glands associated with hair follicles) and apocrine glands (located in groin, armpit and breast & activated by the sex hormones).

What gland controls hormones?

The pituitary gland controls the release of hormones by many glands 1.) Primary glands- glands who's main purpose is to create and secrete hormones 2.) Secondary glands-Glands who's main purpose is something else, but they also (like a part-time job vs. a full time job) create and secrete hormones there are 7 Primary endocrine glands- 1.)Parathyroid glad- secretes parathyroid hormone which increases calcium concentration in plasma 2.)Pineal Gland- secretes melatonin (pertaining to circadian rhythms sleep/wake cycle) 3.) Pancreas which secretes- Insulin, somatostoin, glucagon 4.) Adrenal glands- a.) cortex- secretes androgens, mineralcorticoids,glucocorticoids b.)Medulla- chrommafin cells secrete epinephrine and norepinephrine 5.)Gonads- estrodiols, adrostenodione, progesterone, testosterone 6.)Thymus- thymosin 7.) Thyroid- T3, T4, Calcitonin (antagonist to parathyroid, decreases calcium concentration in plasma) Secondary: 1.)Heart- Atrialneuropeptides 2.) Liver- Insulin-like growth factors 3.)Kidneys- Erythropoietin, renin 4.)GI track-CCK, gastrin, secretin,GIP 5.)Skin-Vitamin D

What is the purpose of sweat gland in your skin?

it helps in our vocal voice.What is the purpose of the Parathyroid Glands?There are four tiny parathyroid glands which are located on the posterior side of the thyroid gland which have two on each lobe. The parathyroid glands secrete parathyroid hormones which regulates the amount of calcium in the blood. If the calcium is too low, parathyroid hormone moves calcium from the bones to the blood. Parathyroid hormone actually has an opposite action from that of calcitonin secreted by the thyroid gland.

What 3 ways can endocrine glands stimulate themselves?

Endocrine glands usually release hormones into the blood stream that affect how body tissues behave as well as how some glands and muscle perform. The three ways that stimulate endocrine glands to release hormone are as follows; the release of another hormone, presence of some substances in extracellular fluids and neural stimulation.

How many thyroid glands are in the human body?

There are 5 possible ducted glands and 9 possible ductless glands (for a total of 14) However, based on gender, a normal human body will have a total of 13 glands, with two glands (mammary glands or prostate gland) being gender specific. Ducted glands are called exocrine glands. They secrete chemicals through ducts. They are: 1. Lachrymal Glands 2. Sweat Glands 3. Salivary Glands 4. Mammary Glands (fully developed in female) 5. Sebaceous Glands Endocrine glands comprise the ductless glands. They are: 1. Hypothalamus 2. Pituitary Gland (Anterior & Posterior) 3. Adrenal Glands 4. Thyroid Gland 5. Gonads 6. Thymus 7. Pancreas 8. Pineal Gland 9. Prostate (male only)

How many Salivary Glands are there?

There are 3 pairs of major salivary glands: - Parotid, the largest, is at the back of the jaw by the ear - Sublingual, under the tongue - Submandibular (also called submaxillary) in the lower jaw. There are also many minor salivary glands. These are tiny glands in the lips and in the linings of the mouth and throat. Salivary glands produce saliva which keeps the mouth moist and starts the digestion of food. It also protects against tooth decay.

What are the 3 types of glands found in the skin and what are their function?

The skin of humans has two basic types of glands, sweat glands (sudoriferous) and oil glands (sebacious). The sweat glands come in two varieties, the eccrine glands produce sweat all over our bodies, but the apocrine glands only become active during puberty and give us body odor. These aromatic apocrine glands are concentrated in the armpits and the genital regions.i dont know lol plzzz someone answer this question

What are the 3 types of salivary glands and their locations?

These glands produce a fluid called saliva. It is both watery (serous) and thicker (mucous). It contains several enzymes: amylase, which starts the break down of starch, lipase which starts the break down of fats, and lysozyme, a weak antibacterial.There are three salivary glands:1. under the tongue (sublingual)2. under each lower jaw (submandibular)3. 2/3 around each ear, mostly in front (parotid)

What are facts about the endocrine system?

Helps maintain Homeostasis. It also regulates metabolism, water, and mineral balance.Here are some facts about endocrine system: 1. the glands of the endocrine system and their secretion (or the hormones they produce) influence cell and function of our body.2. Glands in endocrine system secrete major hormones directly in the bloodstream. Important glands of endocrine system include: hypothalamus, pituitary, thyroid, adrenals etc..3. The hormones (which are often called chemical messengers) that are released by glands in endocrine system are very crucial to regulating different systems of our body including our mood and growth. I think there are more than 20 major hormones which are secreted by glands in endocrine system.4. Endocrine system controls the body processes that happen slowly, like cell growth.5. Glands from this system form signaling pathways. (endocrine signaling?)Well i dont really know but i will tell you this. look on other websites and they will give you the answer. or you could grab a health book and look there or just ask your teacher. So start searching. Hope i help give you ways to search for the answer.