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A system, which provides the user with information, but does not allow for that user to alter the information the system contains.

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Q: What are Passive information systems?
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What is the difference between passive and interactive information systems?

Passive Systems are those which do not allow for data to be changed, for example an encyclopedia held on CD. Interactive systems however, allow for data to be accessed and ammended by the user.we use passive in bill board or posterwe use iteractive graphics in web sites or electronics devices

What are solar collectors a part of?

solar collectors are parts of all solar energy systems passive systems dont move pumps, fans, trackers are parts of active solar systems

What is energy collected by in a passive solar system?

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Where do passive solar heating systems and active solar heating systems get their solar energy?

they get their energy from the sun

What is a fail passive system?

A fail passive system is one in which a failure in the system results in the system becoming passive, meaning it will not actively intervene but will provide indications and alerts to the pilot. In aviation, fail passive systems are often used in autopilot and flight control systems to ensure continued safe operation in the event of a failure.

What are the types of sediment and silt controls?

There are a few, including gravity based settling systems, passive filtration systems, and polymer treatment systems.

What do active solar heat systems have that passive systems do not have?

Moving parts and special equipment. Passive systems rely on the sun to warm a building through windows and walls. Active systems use solar panels, or solar water panels and use the energy or heated water to provide heating.

What is passive fraud?

An act of Passive Fraud results from the failure to disclose information when there is a duty to do so

What does passive solar mean?

Passive solar means natural methods are used instead of mechanical equipment to get heat. Passive solar systems use methods that include conductance, radiation, and convection.

What can solar heating systems be?

active and passiveBy: Jokara Walters

Which statment about passive solar heating systems is true?

they do not produce electricity Novanet

What are active and passive systems?

Active systems have a much longer range than passive systems due to having an internal battery. Because of this an active tag will be much larger and more expensive than a passive tag. The passive tag will basically convert the RF signal from the Interrogator or reader and turn it into energy to return the signal. Active tags will often be found on larger sized shipping containers/products whereas a passive tag, due to its small form factor can be used on any variety of products, containers, boxes...etc. Passive tags are usually more durable than active tags. While some active tag batteries have a lifetime of 10 years, depending on the frequency of use, passive tags do not have the handicap of internal power requirements. Depending on the harshness of the environment, an industrial grade passive Read-Only tag can last longer than your average person.