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ur ugly fat face!

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Q: What are examples of extreme family-centeredness?
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Could you give examples of antonyms for extreme?

Moderate is an antonym for extreme.

What is an extreme weather event?

A hurricane, and a heavy snowfall are two examples.

What are some reactionary groups?

Fascists and Nazis are (extreme) examples of reactionary groups.

What are some examples of animals that have adapted to extreme temperature?

Polar-bears and walruses are two examples of animals that have adapted to extreme cold temperatures. There are others - arctic fox, various species of penguins, etc. Camels are an example of adaptation to extreme (desert) heat - though in Siberia, they also have to adapt to cold.

Some examples of unusual places in which you can find microbes?

extreme heat and toxic sulfur

What does hyperbole mean and some examples?

A hyperbole is a statement of extreme exaggeration to show emphasis.

Give you some examples of an extreme hardship letter?

If you need to write an extreme hardship letter you should include major health problems, unexpected deaths, or bills. Loss of employment can also be an extreme hardship.

What burns things?

Fire, extreme heat, acid are three examples.

What are the symptoms of extreme amplification?

People suffering from extreme amplification are very uncomfortable when faced with the slightest problems. Examples include slight pains and temperatures mildly higher or lower than usual.

What are extreme diets and what are some examples of them?

Extreme diets are diets that usually focus on quick-fast results for weight loss and not the most important factor which is health. They tend to come from nowhere and then fizzle away just as fast as they appeared. A couple of examples would be the grapefruit diet or the cabbage diet.

Can you give you some examples of extreme hardship?

Examples of extreme hardship may include facing a life-threatening illness, experiencing a natural disaster that results in loss of property and livelihood, enduring severe emotional trauma such as abuse or violence, and facing extreme poverty or homelessness.

What amends copyright law to include gain other than financial?

Certain extreme examples of infringement carry a jail term.