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inspiration is when air is breathed in through the mouth or nose which then goes into the air passage and into the alvioli which transfers the oxygen around the circulatory system to be used by the working muscles.
expiration is breathing out.
impure air containing CO2 is let out during tat process

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Q: What are inspiration and expiration in relationship to breathing?
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Inspiration not equal to expiration?

Inspiration should equal to expiration;IE ratio and IT , inspiration equals tidal volume. It means that the patient is having trouble breathing.

What is Quiet inspiration and what is quiet expiration?

Quiet inspiration is likely just breathing in at rest. Quiet expiration is likely just breathing out at rest when you are not out of breath or undergoing any physical activity

How many parts to pulmonary ventilation and what are they?

There are two parts. Inhalation and exhalation also known as inspiration and expiration. Inspiration is the process of breathing air into the lungs it helps in oxygenation. Expiration is breathing out and it does not require any specific muscle activity. Expiration occurs due to elastic recoiling of the lungs after inspiration

What is the similarity between inspiration and expiration?

Among the definitions of both words, inspiration and expiration are similar in the act of breathing. Humans breathe in (inspires) and breathes out (expires).

What is inspiration and exhalation?

Inspiration, as called inhalation, moves air into the lungs. Expiration, as called exhalation, moves air out of the lungs.

What is inhale and exhale is known as?

Inhale: inspiration Exhale: expiration Both: respiration, also breathing

Is the first part of breathing called inspiration?

The first part of respiration is called inhalation, the second part is exhalation. Inspiration and expiration are different things

What is inspiration and respiration?

Inspiration is the intake of air when breathing. Expiration is the complimentary movement. Synonyms are inhaling and exhaling. Respiration is the act of breathing. There is also respiration on the cellular level, which is the electron transfer in cytochrome P-450.

What is the interval between expiration and inspiration?

Interval between expiration and inspiration

You put more efforts when you exhale air or when you inhale the air?

During normal breathing at rest, inspiration is an active process while expiration is passive. So under normal conditions, you put more energy into inspiration than expiration.

What is the difference between normal inspiration and expiration and forced inspiration and expiration?

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