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That they don't let animals roam in different cages == Animals in Zoos ( America, or anywhere to be fair, but I will use America as an example, just to prove my point that America is not perfect) can be beaten, and treated appallingly. One such example took place when an African elephant was transferred from the San Diego Zoo to the San Diego Wild Animal Park; her old caretakers reported seeing her chained to the ground, and beaten on the head with axe handles for two days. Some of the blows were described as "home run swings." Also, another Zookeeper in San Francisco was quoted as saying of Elephants, "You have to motivate them and the way you do that is by beating the hell out of them." This happened in San Diego, and San Francisco, of America. For details see the site listed below.

I believe that zoos use animals for there own need. 1 out of 10 people care about there pet and 1 out of 50 zoos care about the animals the way they should. Bad zoos use cement cages and don't let animals stand on their own feet. This causes them to be unable to fend for themselves. This problem is mostly seen in places like Ethiopia. Unfortunately I cannot find the doco I watched on Australia's ABC channel showing cruelty to bears in poorer countries zoos. Another mistake many zoos make is separating and isolating pack animals. They are called pack animals for a reason. When separated from their pride, pack, pod, flock or herd many animals will die. And in many zoos, not only do they isolate them but, put them in cages with concrete floors, and bars. How would you feel to suddenly be taken from your home where you ran free with your family and put in a cage with a cold, hard floor to be stared at by people day in and day out. Most only looking for less than 30 seconds before making some derogatory remark and walking off. This fact has been proved in a study, which was conducted in America. Most people don't care about the animals, they are just looking for another way to entertain themselves. We have brains for a reason, learn how to use it. *Certain contributions to this question have been moved to the discussion field during the editing process of this answer.

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8y ago

1. Keeping animals in zoos means that they only have access to a limited amount of space. Some enclosures are too small and I have seen many animals that have barely enough room to turn round in.

2. Many social animals are kept alone and suffer from boredom. Social animals should be kept in groups, so their behavior is as natural as possible. 3. Many zoo animals are kept to attract visitors and their money. This is often passed off as 'conservation', but several animals have larger populations in zoos than in the wild. For example, there are 15,000 privately owned tigers in the USA. There are only a few thousand tigers in the wild. As far as I know, the only attempt to introduce captive tigers in the wild is taking place in South Africa. It is very difficult and expensive to train tigers to live in the wild, therefore most captive tigers are being kept to make money, rather than to save wild populations.

4. Some zoos still have animals that do unnatural tricks for the public.

5. Some zoos do not have trained vets etc, so the staff allow their sick animals to die.

6. Some zoos open up at Easter with a stock of baby animals. When the summer season finishes, the zoo closes and kills off their stock of animals, as the animals would cost too much to feed and there are no visitors to pay towards this

7. Many zoo animals are not fed properly and some zoos still allow people to feed animals with all kinds of unsuitable food.

8. Many zoos give a lot of space to popular, abundant species, such as Meerkats and ignore less popular animals. There are several species that are critically endangered, but are not popular and are not kept in zoos.

9. Some zoos have health and safety problems, such as spikes on the railings or hidden ditches, which could injure animals.

10. Some zoos have mixed exhibits, where some individuals stress others.

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15y ago

Zoos have many disadvantages. Zoos get their animals by some shady and mysterious deals with poachers. Zoos don't help animals at all. They actually make them die faster, in fact, in 1986 the zoos were making so many animals die that it was predicted that 2 million animals would die by the year 2000.

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15y ago

Well firstly, zoo's aren't the great conservationists they claim to be. They breed animals just to have babies to bring in the crowds. How many zoo's have actually spent the money to release their elephants back to Africa? None. Secondly, they can't meet the requirments for many of their animals. Elephants, for example, travel great many miles a day, how big are elephant enclosures at zoos? Certainly not 90 miles, which is the amount they walk in a single day. Imagine if you were denied your basic instincts, you would go insane, which is what happens. Finally, animals are not playthings. They deserve to live in freedom, to live naturally and healthly in their own enviorment, not put on display for people to oogle at, this is no more then what we want for ourselves, why take it away from other living creatures?

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8y ago

Here are a few of the possible problems:

  • Underfeeding
  • overfeeding
  • littering
  • guests feeding the animals
  • abusing animals
  • animals being kept too far apart from other animals
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14y ago

disadvantages- they are not living in their natural habitat. living in captivity can make them depressed and unhappy.

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12y ago

your kids could possibly pop there pants, the elephants could escape, the zookeeper could be grumpy, and your life will be ruined

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it smells really bad

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Th4y m4k3 4n1malZ d0 tr1ck3Z 4nd StuFF

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That depends on your opinion, but good zoos do provide opportunities for education and also they help endangered species grow back. Bad zoos, where they use the animals only for entertainment, are cruel and should be banned, but good zoos have their uses.

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Good things about zoos are that the zookeeper does research on the animal so, they can feed it, care for it and breeding it.

What are facts why zoos are bad?

its every thing

Are zoos good or bad?

It is a matter of ones opinion. Some think zoos are good and educational, while others think zoos are bad. I think it depends on the zoo in question. I've seen some with environmentally stimulating habitats and alert, inquisitive animals, and others with only the most basic requirements and bored, unmotivated animals. It's also a matter of opinion like you^ said.

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