

William McKinley

William McKinley was the 25th President of the United States and served from March 4, 1897 to September 14, 1901.

282 Questions

Who are the children of president McKinley's siblings?

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President McKinley had three siblings: David McKinley, James McKinley, and Abner McKinley. As for their children, David McKinley had one daughter named Mary Emma McKinley, James McKinley had two daughters named Belle McKinley and Sallie McKinley, and Abner McKinley had no children.

What does the timeline of William McKinley Sr look like?

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The timeline of William McKinley Sr's life can be summarized as follows:

  • Born on October 15, 1807, in Pine Township, Pennsylvania
  • Married Nancy Allison McKinley in 1829 and had nine children, including William McKinley Jr., who would become the 25th President of the United States.
  • Was active in politics and served as the postmaster of Niles, Ohio in the 1840s.
  • Passed away on November 24, 1892, in Canton, Ohio, at the age of 85.

Which state did William McKinley represent?

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William McKinley represented the state of Ohio.

On September 6 1901 what happened to President McKinley while on tour in Buffalo NY?

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President William McKinley was shot twice by anarchist Leon Czolgosz during a public reception at the Pan-American Exposition in Buffalo, New York. The bullets wounded McKinley's abdomen, and he underwent surgery to remove them. Initially, it seemed that he was recovering, but complications arose, and McKinley eventually succumbed to his injuries and passed away on September 14, 1901.

What is the role of President William McKinley in the annexation of Hawaii?

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President McKinley agree to the sealing of Hawaii because he was bought and paid for by big business such as Sanford Dole of pineapple fame. Outgoing president, Grover Cleveland tried to get the blessing of congress to retake Hawaii and give it back to it rightful owners, but the Money Power in the US saw to it that that would not happen.

This was an era of US imperialism. Annexing Hawaii was a logical step in its time.

What are some bad things about zoos?

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That they don't let animals roam in different cages == Animals in Zoos ( America, or anywhere to be fair, but I will use America as an example, just to prove my point that America is not perfect) can be beaten, and treated appallingly. One such example took place when an African elephant was transferred from the San Diego Zoo to the San Diego Wild Animal Park; her old caretakers reported seeing her chained to the ground, and beaten on the head with axe handles for two days. Some of the blows were described as "home run swings." Also, another Zookeeper in San Francisco was quoted as saying of Elephants, "You have to motivate them and the way you do that is by beating the hell out of them." This happened in San Diego, and San Francisco, of America. For details see the site listed below.

I believe that zoos use animals for there own need. 1 out of 10 people care about there pet and 1 out of 50 zoos care about the animals the way they should. Bad zoos use cement cages and don't let animals stand on their own feet. This causes them to be unable to fend for themselves. This problem is mostly seen in places like Ethiopia. Unfortunately I cannot find the doco I watched on Australia's ABC channel showing cruelty to bears in poorer countries zoos. Another mistake many zoos make is separating and isolating pack animals. They are called pack animals for a reason. When separated from their pride, pack, pod, flock or herd many animals will die. And in many zoos, not only do they isolate them but, put them in cages with concrete floors, and bars. How would you feel to suddenly be taken from your home where you ran free with your family and put in a cage with a cold, hard floor to be stared at by people day in and day out. Most only looking for less than 30 seconds before making some derogatory remark and walking off. This fact has been proved in a study, which was conducted in America. Most people don't care about the animals, they are just looking for another way to entertain themselves. We have brains for a reason, learn how to use it. *Certain contributions to this question have been moved to the discussion field during the editing process of this answer.

Who was William McKinley's mother?

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a black lady. his pops was white. did you know that.

How old is William McKinley?

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William McKinley was born on January 29, 1843 and died on September 14, 1901. William McKinley would have been 58 years old at the time of death or 172 years old today.

Did William McKinley help out in the Spanish American War?

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He was a good Commander in Chief. He let the military take care of the details.

What political party was McKinley part of?

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President William McKinley represented the Republican Party.

Why did William McKinley use the slogan Remember the Maine and what was The Maine?

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The Maine was a US battleship that was sent to Cuba to protect US interests due to a Cuban revolt against Spain. It was mysteriously blown up and sunk, killing some 162 crew members, while sitting in Havana harbor. This incident lead to a war between the US and Spain and so "Remember the Maine- to Hell with Spain" became a rallying cry during this war.

Where in the body was William McKinley shot?

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McKinley was shot at Buffalo, New York at the Pan American Exposition on September 6th, 1901 at 4:07pm. The bullet entered his body at a point between the navel and left nipple. It passed through the stomach, nicked the left kidney and lodged in the pancreas.

How did President William McKinley feel about the Spanish-American War?

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Roosevelt wanted desperately to test his manliness on the field of battle (and to be noticed for doing so, both of which he achieved). He would have been happy to go to war with just about anybody.

How did William McKinley change America?

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I have no idea! lol i thinks it's how he incouraged the people to go to war, find new things, and more stuff to make.....

Thats all I can tell you , sorry.

! lol

How was president William McKinley assassinated?

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he was assassinated by a pistol one bullet when"t into his shoulder and one through his stomach, kidney, and pancrious

Did William McKinley play any sports?

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yes he did and his hobbies was the 25th president of the united states from 1897 to 1901 He has the dubious distinction of being the third US president to be assassinated after Abraham Lincoln and J

As a person, McKinley was known to be a kind and considerate person. Even after being shot two times by Leon Czolgosz, McKinley still called out to the people and the Secret Service not to hurt him. The simple truth is the McKinley was loved and admired by the people of America for his generous and kind nature.

ames Garfield.

Why was Theodore Roosevelt chosen as William McKinley's running mate in the 1900 election?

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President McKinley, thought he was a brash young man, but neverless nominated him to be assisstant secretary.

Who were some famous people associated with William McKinley?

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William McKinley's father influenced him as a child and

What were William McKinley's personality traits?

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He was an intelligent man who was protective of his country and wanted his country to be better than all the rest.

What did William McKinley believe in?

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Religiously, McKinley was a Christian; politically he was a Republican.

Did William McKinley have a nickname?

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According to Wikipedia, he was known as the Napoleon of Protection.