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Mostly relax and move your neck slowly till the muscle adjusts itself again and then you can start to do some more exercises for that muscle. I hope this helps.

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Q: What are some good fitness exercises for someone with a pulled back muscle?
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What type of injury is a pulled hamstring?

In case of a hamstring injury, one or more of the hamstring muscles get stretched too far. It is even possible that the muscle starts to tear. One is most likely to get this injury during exercises such as running or jumping.

What are five common causes of injury or illness related to fitness?

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What is a pulled muscle?

When a muscle is pushed to far with exertion, small tears can occur in the muscle tissue. The pain associated with this damage when the muscle is used is called a pulled muscle.

How can you use the word muscle in a sentence?

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What is does it mean when someone says you pulled a muscle?

A pulled muscle is a tear in the muscle fibers. This can easily happen if you do not warm up before a physical activity or if you are not in good physical condition. My personal experience is, if AC of my room works for long hours and I sleep without blanket, any of my hand or arm muscles gets pulled when I wake up. [May be I am physically weak or what, ah!]

What is a strained muscle?

it is when a tendon or ligament is pulled it is when a tendon or ligament is pulled

What are signs and symptoms for a pulled muscle?

Generally, you'll feel and aching, twinging or throbbing pain in the area of the pulled muscle and it will hurt more when you flex said muscle.

Should you stretch a pulled muscle?


How do you help a pulled muscle in your back?

As much as it may hurt have someone rub the muscle as hard as you can handle. That is not the only thing you have to do. Also stretch the muscle. I am not the smartest so I am sure there are other things you can do but that's what I do.

What is a problem in the Musclar system?

To have a pulled muscle.