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There are many good knee stretches that one can try to help their knees. Some stretches include step ups, abductor raises, wall slides, hamstring stretch and straight leg raises.

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Q: What are some good knee stretches?
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What are the best knee stretches?

Sorry to hear you have recently injured your knee. The knee is the most commonly injured joint in all age-groups. The 'chair knee extension' is a common knee stretch, but there are a number of stretches that can be done by searching the internet using key words 'knee stretches'.

Where can I find advice on how to do correct knee stretches?

There are a few websites that have advice on how to do correct knee stretches. Advice can be found on sites such as Livestrong, Runners World and WebMD.

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Some good stretches would be the simple ones such as touching your toes or doing sit ups / curl ups. I also recommend visiting your doctor about this.

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Some good running stretches for running would be to stretch your hamstrings, quadriceps, head to buttocks. Many more stretches can be found at

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Do you stretch regularly to prevent it band?

An IT band is not something you prevent, that is the muscle on the side of your leg that runs from your hip to your knee. Good stretches include leg lifts when you are lying on one side.

Hi so my scorpion for cheerleading is pretty good but i would like to improve it. what are some stretches i can use?

any gymnastic stretches would probably be best.

What 3 muscles does the knee to chest stretch- stretch?

1.psoas major 2.psoas minor 3.iliacus These are the muscles in the lower back, which is one of the areas knee to chest stretches.

What are some good knee strengthening exercises ?

There isn't a quick way to recover from knee related injuries or pain. You have to keep doing knee related exercises, such as bending and stretching.

What are some good stretches for the front of you thigh?

A lunge, touch your toes, and stand on one foot and hold the other.

Are there effective knee exercise that help manage knee pain.?

You could try doing knee to chest stretches until pain is relieved. If not helped try to see a doctor. Try to ice and heat on a regular bases and avoid strenuous activity to avoid chronic pain.

What are some stretches for gymnastics?

Some stretches are stratle, pike, right split, left split, middle split, and bridge.