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The reason is bacuase a lot of people don't know anything about those systems, others are not taking the fact that information is important and needed seriously, because all they tend to focus on is technology only, forgetting about who's going to use it , the infor needed for it to successfully run and last but not least tend to forget about the information they need and the means that they need to use for infor to be gathered , organized and retrieve when /if neccessary.

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Q: What are some reasons information systems may not succeed?
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How do you explain the general reason why information systems may not succeed?

Some reasons information systems may not succeed are lack of knowledge about how to use the system, input from users to the system not being accurate, lack of training on the part of the company, etc.

What companies use marketing information systems?

Almost all companies use some type of marketing information system. Successful companies use the systems to gather data for industry trends, customer behavior, and other reasons.

What are some reasons information may not succeed?

The reason is bacuase a lot of people don't know anything about those systems, others are not taking the fact that information is important and needed seriously, because all they tend to focus on is technology only, forgetting about who's going to use it , the infor needed for it to successfully run and last but not least tend to forget about the information they need and the means that they need to use for infor to be gathered , organized and retrieve when /if neccessary.

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this website is a natural threat to information systems.

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Snob-appeal advertising succeeds by creating a sense of exclusivity and status among consumers, motivating them to purchase products to elevate their social standing. It plays on people's desire for luxury and prestige, leading them to believe that owning the product will make them part of an elite group. Additionally, it can tap into consumers' need for validation and recognition from others, compelling them to buy in order to feel superior to those around them.

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what are some of the business drivers for todays information system

Where can I get some information on security surveillance systems?

You can visit many camera stores online for general information on security surveillance systems. Security surveillance systems can be ordered for around $300.

Where can a company go to get more information on retail POS systems?

Research has shown that there are a number of sites that offer information on retail POS systems. Some sites with great information are "Retail Systems", and the Yahoo "Small Business" sites.

What are some examples of packaging systems?

Some examples of packaging systems include Shrink Packaging, Automatic Palletizing and Automatic Case Erectors. You can get more information about these packaging systems at the Packaging Systems website.

What are the disadvantages of information system?

To many companies rely on accounting information systems because they are so prevalent. If the system fails, the business would be at a loss for information.

What are some of the reasons businesses send letters?

For the purposes of communicating information.

What are some good alert security systems?

some good alert security systems you can go to any of the following websites for more information about good alert secuerty systems. or