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Q: What are the 3 lobes in the right side of a lung in a fetal pig?
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How many lobes do the right and left lung have?

The right lung contains three lobes. The left lobe only has two. Because of the heart on the left side, the left lung only has two lobes to make more room for the heart to pump on that side.

Which side of the lungs has 3 lobes?

The left lung has only two lobes and the right has three.

How many lobes does each lung have?

right lung has 3 lobes (superior, inferior & middle) while the left lung has 2 lobes (superior & inferior)

Why do the right side of the lung have more lobes than the left side?


How many lobes the the left lung of the fetal pig have?

Pigs are mammals, and so have four-chambered hearts. Therefore, their left side has two chambers, a atrium and a ventricle, and the right side has the same. **Ignore the above answer as the person who answered apparently did not read the question. Specifically states LOBES OF THE LUNG, nothing to do with chambers of the heart.**

How many lobes are in the right lung?

The right lung has 3 lobes. This is in contrast to the left lung, which only has 2 in order to make room for the heart, which is located in the left side of the chest cavity.

Contrast left lung and right lung?

The left lung is slightly smaller than the right lung because 2/3 of the heart is located there. The left lung contains the cardiac notch, an indentation in the lung that surrounds the apex (pointed end) of the heart. The smaller left lung only has 2 lobes, the superior and inferior.

Is a lobe part of the lung?

Frontal is part of the brain. Ear-bottom of ear.

How do the seven lobes of the cat lung compare with humans?

A cat has 7 lobes of the lung. The right side has 3; the right apical, right cardiac, and right diaphragmatic. The left also has 3; the left apical, left cardiac, and left diaphragmatic. There is one lobe directly in between both sides called the intermediate lobe.

Why is the right lung slightly larger than the left lung?

the left lung is smaller to make room for the heart.. the right lung has 3 lobes and the left lung only has 2 lobes..

How many lobes does a fetal pig have in the liver?

"The right lung of a pig has 4 lobes, and the left has 2 or 3 (the number can differ). The reason for the lobe differences is that the heart is positioned further to the left hand side, and the interference of other internal organs prevents the left lung from growing into the thoracic cavity as the right lung does.I dissected a fetal pig last semester, and still had my lab book laying around, so there you go. :c)Source(s):Perry, Morton, Perry. Laboratory Manual for General Biology, 5 ed. Published by Thomson, Brooks/Cole, 2007." quotated from:

What is situs solitus?

Typically, the heart lies on the left side of the body (levocardia ), the liver and spleen lie on the right, and the lung on the left has two lobes while the lung on the right has three lobes. This normal arrangement is known as situs solitus.