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The four stages of demographic transition are:

Stage 1: low growth- when hunter-gatherers were living and population growth was very little at all, almost no natural increase rate at all

Stage 2: high growth- after agricultural revolution when new farming and living techniques were discovered, population grew dramatically. it wasn't that more people were being born, just that more people were living longer than before. industrial revolution and the medical revolution also heightened population growth

Stage 3: moderate growth- happens when Birth Rate drops increasingly and Death Rate still drops but still slowly, but overall birth rate is still higher than death rate. country enters stage 3 when people choose to have less children. (Ex: united states and Europe

Stage 4: low growth- meaning there is no growth at all, or ZPG, zero population growth. this is not the same as stage 1

*Stage 5* (not a real stage but could be possibly soon) this would mean that the death rate is higher then the birth rate, more people are dying then are being born.


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3d ago

The four stages of demographic transition are: Stage 1 - high birth rates and high death rates resulting in slow population growth, Stage 2 - high birth rates and declining death rates leading to rapid population growth, Stage 3 - declining birth rates and low death rates causing a slowing population growth, and Stage 4 - low birth rates and low death rates stabilizing the population at a relatively high level.

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