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Anyone who must interact with a narcissist must do some homework and learn as much as they can about the disorder. There are many great sources available online. Make a file and take notes so you can refer back to them periodically. Once you have a good understanding of their disorder you see they are predictable and pathetic. It is estimated that 75% of people with narcissistic disorder are male.

Narcissism generally includes excessive self-centeredness and an overexaggerated view of one's own talents and strengths. A narcissist creates a false self that he exhibits to other people. He lives in a completely invented world. He isobsessed with his superiority and is an authority on every subject. He possesses an absurd vanity. He doesn't engage in conversation, he lectures. He takes credit for accomplishments he may have performed as part of a large group but every completed project somehow becomes a personal accomplishment and those increase a hundred fold with every telling. He exhibits extreme grandiosity not supported by personal talents or personal history. He refuses to acknowledge the achievement of others. Tell him about something good that someone else did or accomplished and note the lack of any reply or any sign he heard what you said. He cannot delay gratification and is a compulsive shopper.

He is excessively candid, telling you things that should be kept private, but those remarks often provide a window into what he really thinks. Those blunders often include rude and crude remarks about women with whom narcissists have difficulty forming healthy relationships. He may seem generous but his gifts and favors usually have strings attached.His help is exhibitionistic in nature and geared more toward public display. The gift may not please the recipient but the important factor is that it pleased the narcissist for some self centered reason. He requires worship and adoration. His self worth and self-esteem are derived exclusively from audience feedback.

The narcissist is hypersensitive to criticism, especially when wrongly perceived which is a common occurance, and mustconditionthe people in his environment to refrain from criticism, advice or disapproval of his actions and behavior. His exaggerated reactions constitute punishment and the violator will usually be banned from his life until he needs them again. He is more vulnerable to shame than to guilt so be careful if you challenge his authority. He is an expert at administering the silent treatment. When he has really screwed up and he knows that others know about his error, give him a few weeks and he will erase it from his memory forever. It never happened! He is completely disinterested in anyone else's feelings, opinions, stories, and viewpoints. He expects that everyone will go along with his plan and gets angry if you disagree or fail to accept his plan. A narcissists survival is dependent upon having complete control or theperceptionof being in complete control.

A narcissist assumes no adult responsibilities and expect indulgence from those around him who are expected to simply put up with his obnoxious behavior. In fact, he is repelled by adults who act like adults, who take responsibility, who do things right, who have stability and a life plan. He takes the path of least investment in all his endeavors and often relies on con-artistry, ignoring the law and exploitation of other people to get what he wants. He lacks a social conscience. He wants to control everything and often manages to find less able people to take advantage of and to do his work for him.

He thinks he's special and can only be understood by other special people. He tries to hang out with professionals, thinking to obtain authority and expertise by osmosis, and thinks most people are inferior to him. The narcissist performs in public in order to attract attention and appease that need for approval. He can be charming and fun and funny and the innocent audience thinks, "What a great guy", exactly as planned. Watch a narcissistic male out in public at stores and restaurants. He will usually be flirtations and seductive to any women he comes upon, even if he is accompanied by a female companion. The women he encounters love the attention and he loves the feedback confirming that he is Mr. Wonderful. A strange behavior is that they often flirt with men also.

Back in the home or family environment, he blows up easily and tells people off if he think he perceives the slightest questioning of his authority even where there was none intended. That little problem stems from a hidden insecurity that he knows is always there. He misinterpretes what other people say and do, and he attributes his own twisted motives to everyone else. He often maintains a platonic relationship with a female, usually one who has a lot of material things to offer, while having relationships with multiple other women. He lacks empathy and is a master at making people think he cares about them . . . as long as they meet his needs. He has an utter lack of self-awareness and has no concept of the damage his behavior does to others. He has little regard for other people's feelings.

The narcissist is unable to modify his behavior, is unable to recognize his problems. Ironically, because of this invented existence, unquestioned superiority and need of grandiosity, they are easily taken advantage of. They often have a defective ability to interprete other people's speech and actions which leads them to think they are liked and respected. That makes them easy prey for someone smarter who recognizes and exploits their weaknesses. They get into trouble often and need to move on from a job, a relationship, a domicile, a state. They need to continually seek new surroundings as people get wise to their true nature and their admiration turns to scorn.

There are many degrees of narcissism and the preceding is a sampling of common behaviors. Every narcissist is different. Some are high achievers and some achieve nothing. Many are in-between.

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13y ago

A narcissistic person is someone who prioritizes himself above anyone or anything else. Of course, a good amount of self-love is vital for one's self-confidence and survival but a narcissistic invidual just goes beyond the borders - where he or she becomes inconsiderate for others in order to prioritize themselves and their whims.

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He or She seeks to interact with people from a position of authority, advantage, or superiority.They take pleasure from their power over other people.

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10y ago

Follow the myth of narcissus from which the term comes (see the link below) and this will explain the traits.

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OF COURSE! Mines is doing that now. They'd do anything to make themselves look like the saint. That is classic narcissist behavior. You have to be pretty careful in knowing who your friends are and who the narcissist has gotten to. I hate to say it but in order to figure out what the narcissist is up to, you have to think like a narcissist. Of course that makes you look bad, like you ARE a narcissist (you've probably picked up some narcissist behaviors being around one anyway) so BE CAREFUL. My narcissist called this game "Ex Caliber" after King Arthur's sword. He said people who were pure and of good intentions could slip past his defenses. Translation: You better make yourself look better than the narcissist and dodge the mud he's flinging if you want to keep your friends!

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It has been suggested there may be another variant of narcissism called closet narcissism or shy narcissism. It is a little more difficult to describe and understand. Most people with narcissistic personality disorder are exhibitionists. They believe they are the greatest, smartest, most wonderful, and most exceptional human beings on the planet. They manage to suppress their feelings of inadequacy and replace it with a self manufactured super man. The exhibitionist narcissist seeks admiration from everyone all the time. They abandon people who do not satisfy that need.In some cases a closet narcissist manages to keep such overt grandiose behaviors hidden. They are not so openly arrogant. They suffer from envy. A closet narcissist may have a more deflated self perception and be more aware of their emptiness. The closet narcissist is constantly seeking approval. They are not as strong as the exhibitionist and may experience humiliation and abandonment issues when they fail to get what they need.

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It's certainly possible. A narcissist may date another narcissist that is more selfish than they are to feel better about themselves. In turn say "i'm not as selfish as he/she is so that makes me above him/her). It's incredible and shocking the way people with this disorder think. It takes a lot of research to understand a narcissist.

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The cast of The Narcissist - 2012 includes: Tim Drake as The Narcissist Jordan Eyre as Crying Man Jeremy Wise as Billy

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It is possible to show up a narcissist publicly, but if you do, the narcissist is going to be very angry at you. It is not always a wise strategy to make enemies.

How narcissist?