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A Muslim is a follower of Islam. There is no such thing as a "Muslim world". Perhaps you should re-phrase your question so that it is slighly more logical. Try "what are the biggest industries in countries where the dominant religion is Islam".

Even then, a diverse list of countries fit this criteria. It is difficult to compare Indonesia, Malaysia, Brunei, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Ethiopia, Algeria and Bosnia (a small list of examples), as they are all compeltely different.

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Wikipedia has an entry for the Muslim World, and Albert Brooks made a film called Looking for Comedy in the Muslim World a few years ago. The first answerer may object to the term, but it is widely accepted, and I object to the insulting and politically correct nitpicking against someone who came to this site to ask a legitimate question. Also, the last I heard Israel was still acceptably referred to as the Jewish State, although Christians and Muslims also live there.


Objections to the term 'Muslim World' are based on its abstract nature, which is not helpful when creating/discussing meaning.

A dominant religion is one which has an impact on the formation of internal and external policies, and/or is a religion in which a sizable proportion of the country claim adherence to. Sure, Israel has other religions (all countries do), but you can't say they are a Muslim or a Christian country simply because people who follow those religions live in those countries.

Equally, it is not nitpicking to attempt to bring some focus to a question. The original question is unanswerable in its current format, as the variety of countries that are contained within this definition are too broad to give a conclusive asnwer.

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