

Best Answer

Though a myriad of differences are observable at a surface level, underneath there is no difference; they are all apostate spins from the faith that God, the Father of Jesus Christ, has founded and continues to build. The Roman Catholic sect started the first major departure (Constantine is largely responsible) from the faith and though a number of protestant revamps have given rise to the nearly innumerable different denominations today, the basic structure has gone unchanged from the Roman Empire's version of "church". Truly the pattern of assembly that has been established, prescribed, and continually built by God is evident in the New Testament, especially the Acts of the Apostles.

Israel's Mandate:

The above answer is actually close to the mark. The most accurate would be that the "church" Christianity is an upgraded version of the cultic worship of the queen of heaven. Biblical Christianity, on the other hand, is based on the faith of Israel, which is the faith of Yeshua, the apostles, the prophets of Israel and the 1st and 2nd generation of Yeshua's believers, who were overwhelmingly Jewish. They were massacred by the gentiles who usurped the membership, identity, doctrines of the TRUE FAITH. They then turned everything around 180 degrees and made it all pagan and of angel worship.

The so-called early christian martyrs were actually messianic Jews of the 1st and 2nd generation.The gentiles who infiltrated the kehilath or congregation of Yeshua carried out this decapitation tactic to remove the Jewish leadership of the Congregation and made it into what we see all around us now: paganism, worship and adoration of the queen of heaven, a fallen angel. Christmas, Halloween, holy week, etc.

Roman Catholic answerThe Catholic church received the faith from Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and the Apostles. This is the church that Jesus founded, promised to keep from all error, to be "one" and to be with until the end of time. The Orthodox broke away from the Church in the 11th century over leadership issues, they denied the Papacy. All the other Protestant sects you mention were founded in the 16th century (Lutherans or other Protestants) or founded much later from the Protestants. The differences are the various things that the Protestants deny. The Orthodox deny the Papacy, different Protestants deny different things, that is why they have now splintered into more than 10,000 denominations today. They all can be traced back to a belief that the individual believer only needs a Bible, and he can figure it all out for himself.

Another answer:

Yeshua's faith is the Faith of Israel. It is the faith that is founded on the covenant at Mt Horev between Israel and Yahweh. Yeshua said that he was going to build the "The Congregation", not found it. Israel is the congregation not the ones that the gentiles have pressed on us. If Yeshua' congregation is the 'church', then he is disqualified from running for the offices of the Maschiach of the Congregation of Israel. These Offices belongs to Israel. Christ means Maschiach in the original language, Hebrew. The Jews invented it to designate the person that Yahweh promised to Israel to be their Redeemer. Yeshua was sent for and to save Israel. He was not sent for the gentiles. He stated so himself to the Samaritan woman. The salvation of the gentiles is dependent on the salvation of Israel. No Israel = no gentiles = no humanity.

If Yeshua is the Christ (Maschiach), then he is the Christ of Israel, not the church. The church has no claim whatsoever on that office. The word Maschiach is the generic title that the Jews invented and used to identify the One who is going to sit on the Throne of David. The throne of David is the Office of the Kingship of the Kingdom of Israel. Where is the 'church' in this? Other offices that it reprensented are the :

Offices of the High Priest of the Congregation of Israel,

the Offices of the Chief Judge of the People of Israel,

the Offices of the Chief Prophet of the People of Israel.

What are the differences between these churches? none. they are all cults of the queen of heaven, most especially the catholic church.

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