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Types of BIOTOXINS (more relevant than toxins because they refer specifically to biologically produced toxins, such as snake venom)

1. Neurotoxin (damages nervous system) Found in Elapid snakes

2.Hemotoxin (damage red blood cells) Common in Pit vipers (i.e rattlesnakes)

3. Cytotoxin (causes cellular damage)

4. Necrotoxins (cause necrosis (kill cells)) Puff adder - an African snake (Bitis arietans)

If you want more info just check this page out:

Remember: focus on Biotoxins, there are millions of toxins, environmental, biological, synthetic, and theoretical that are completely irrelevant to snakes (as far as is commonly known so far)

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Q: What are the different types of toxins and which snakes possess the specific toxins?
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Uhmmm...ok. Wow. First off, no such thing as a "bald" python. There are ball pythons, but no bald ones... Secondly, no snakes are "poisonous". There are venomous snakes, but no snake secrets toxins from it's skin. All the venomous snakes inject their toxins through fangs. However, no pythons or boas are venomous. In fact, the only venomous snakes that are available widely for sale in the pet trade are garter snakes and hognoses, and both of those are rear fanged venomous.

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The Chinese dragon is said to be evolved from the snake. However, they are also feared for their toxins, and most know them to be 'evil' creatures.

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No - of the known 2,300 species of snake - about 400 species are venomous, and only a small percentage of the venomous species have toxins potent enough to kill people.

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What kind of glue is it ? - NAME your glue -they are all different.

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