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Uhh.. theoretically, if you were to represent a tall parent's genotype they would be something like TT, but it's much more complicated than that. Height is a multifactorial polygenic trait that can't be expressed as a single genotype, practically.

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Q: What are the homozygous letters of a tall parent?
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What letters can be used to model Mendels cross of true-breeding tall plants what true-breeding short plants in a Punnett square?

TT for the homozygous tall parent, tt for the homozygous short parent and Tt for the heterozygous offspring.

Which genotype is used in a test cross?

A homozygous recessive as male parent

What percentage of genotypes would most likely be found in the f1 generation offspring?

If the parent generation consisted of a homozygous dominant parent and a homozygous recessive parent, then the F1 generation would be 100% heterozygous.

The crossing of homozygous tall pea plants with homozygous short pea plants always resulted in tall plants and demonst?

Homozygous tall pea plants chromosomes are TT and short pea plants are tt. (You can use whatever letters you like, as long as dominate traits are capitalized and recessive lower-cased.) A heterozygous tall pea plant is Tt. This is resulted because the F1 generation takes one chromosome from the tall plant (T) and one from the short plant (t). So you can see only Tt is possible.

What is the probable genotype for the two parents of a cross between two pea plants?

Crossing between two parents is done to combine noble characters of parents into the next generation. Suppose a dwarf pea plant has better quality of pods and its tall counterpart has more number of pods per plant then a plant breeder may think of combining these two characters into its hybrid. The genotype for these tall & dwarf parents with variable pod quality and quantity may be designated as - Tall parent --- ppTT & dwarf parent -- PPtt

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If a tall parent is homozygous how would you represent that in letters?

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What letters can be used to model Mendels cross of true-breeding tall plants what true-breeding short plants in a Punnett square?

TT for the homozygous tall parent, tt for the homozygous short parent and Tt for the heterozygous offspring.

The cross between the homozygous tall parent and the honozygous short parent produces only tall offspring what is the term used to describe the allele for shortness?


What offspring would you get if you cross a homozygous tall plant with a homozygous short plant?

Homozygous dominant would be all Capital letters. Homozygous recessive would be all lower case letters. basic color genetics for horses: A homozygous recessive horse would be aaee A homozygous dominant horse would be AAEE

What kind of offspring will a homozygous tall plant and a homozygous short plant have?

Presuming tall is a dominant allele (the 2nd parent is heterozygous and "tall" is it's phenotype), then the square would be as follows: Let T be the dominant gene for tall, and thus every genotype containing this (TT, or Tt) would produce a tall plant. Let t be recessive, and in the absence of T (tt) causes a plant to be small. So the homozygous tall parent would be TT, and the heterozygous tall parent would be Tt. So now you just have to cross them. During meiosis, every gamete from the TT genotype would contain a T allele. However, for the Tt genotype, there is equal chance each gamete will contain EITHER a T or a t. So the square would be: xxTxxT TxTTxTT txTtxTt As you can see, 2 out of the 4 offspring have a Tt genotype (heterozygous), so this translates to a 1/2 fraction, or 50%. Ignore the Xs in the table- if i just used spaces then all the letters crunched up on top of each other when i pressed was the best i could do...:S

A homozygous dominant parent will produce a gamete with?

They will produce gametes that are also homozygous.

Which genotype is used in a test cross?

A homozygous recessive as male parent

A parent that is homozygous for a dominant trait is crossed with a parent that is homozygous for the recessive trait What percentage of the offspring will display the dominant trait?

100 percent

What do the letters on the inside of the punnets square stand for?

Using Punnett Squares, you can predict the genotypes and phenotypes of the offspring of a cross between a homozygous (purebred) tall pea plant and a homozygous (purebred) short pea plant.

What do the letters on the inside of the punnet square stands for?

Using Punnett Squares, you can predict the genotypes and phenotypes of the offspring of a cross between a homozygous (purebred) tall pea plant and a homozygous (purebred) short pea plant.


Using Punnett Squares, you can predict the genotypes and phenotypes of the offspring of a cross between a homozygous (purebred) tall pea plant and a homozygous (purebred) short pea plant.

What are the letters for homozygous dominant heterozygous and homozygous recessive?

homozygous dominant means two alleles that are the same that are capital letters, heterozygous recessive means that to alleles are different BUT the same letters in lower case. (alleles for gender) EX: TT, Tt is homozygous dominant tt, tt is heterozgous recessive