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Q: What are the major compromises about the south?
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What were the major debates and compromises that affected the creation of the U.S. Constitution?

What were the major debates and compromises that affected the creation of the U.S constitution Answer this question…

What compromises did the north and south reach?

The compromises that the Northern and Southern states reached were the Great Compromise and the Three-Fifths Compromise.~A.K. =)

What were the major compromises the delegates agreed to make?

The major compromises that the delegates agreed to make were The Connecticut Compromise, The Three-Fifths Compromise, and The Commerce and Slave Trade Compromise.

What was the purpose of the US congressional compromises leading up to the US Civil War?

Compromises between the North and the South began with the writing of the US Constitution, however, in the 19th century, three major compromises were made between the North and the South. The purpose of the compromises were to keep the number of free states and slave states equal in number. The last compromise can be said to be the Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854. There citizens would vote on slavery in there own territories. The US Congress, thereby washed its hands of the old style compromises. The people within territories would vote on the issue, Congress retreated from the slavery issue battle.

Who was famous for arranging compromises between the North and the South?

Henry Clay.

What were the compromises the delegates agreed to make?

The major compromises that the delegates agreed to make were The Connecticut Compromise, The Three-Fifths Compromise, and The Commerce and Slave Trade Compromise.

What were the major conflics and compromises made by king?

i will make your whole life better

What comprises did the North and South reach?

It's compromises sorry... I made a mystake before

What major disagreements and compromises molded the final content of the Constitution?

The disagreements and compromises finalizing the constitution were representation (The Great Compromise), slavery (Three-Fifths Compromise), and elections (Electoral College).

What were two compromises and one act that tried to solve the conflict between the North and the South over the west?

compromises: Compromise of 1850, and the Missouri Compromise Act: the Kansas Nebraska act :)

One of the major compromises at the constitutional covention involved the regulation of trade also known as?


One of the major compromises at the constitutional convention involved the regulation of trade also known as?
