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The main moral is "to avoid one evil one should take care not to fall into another"(the animals kicked the farmer out in hopes of a better life but became more miserable under the pigs).

Communism says that there is no such thing as equality in the farm/communism

Also the animals were told they were living a better life , however the fact is they were living in an illusion (like the North Koreans) and were in fact worse off than before.

At first it was democratic (Napoleon and Snowball) but after Napoleon's reign, the pigs under thought that their new freedom was getting taken away, so they slowly decided to dominate the other animals and took away their rights and made them more miserable than ever. The pigs who were the smarter animals of the revolution who kick out the human beings but after awhile become worse than those they replaced.

After the revolution is democracy (Napoleon and Snowball) and after the coup its Dictatorship (Napoleon).

Also, Orwell's message was mainly power is very powerful. If you abuse your power, you may well lose it. Evidence is when Mr. Jones had total power over the farm, but he was ignorant, and lost his power. Napoleon also abused his power in many ways too.

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Q: What are the morals in the novel Animal Farm?
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