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I don't know about West Africa in particular, but I can tell you about the effects in general: The trans-Saharan trade routes affected many things, both positively and negatively. Africa was transformed due to the trading through caravans. Because of it, Timbuktu was founded and established, Islamic religion prospered, internal trade arose, and the northern and southern areas of the Sahara became significant for the goods they produced. One important positive effect that came about from the trans-Saharan trade route was extreme wealth of the empires and leaders in control during the time span of the trade routes. This abundance of wealth is shown in Mansa Musa's famous pilgrimage to Mecca in what is known as a Hajj. The concept of this trip init of itself shows the effects of the trans-Saharan trade, because to embark on a Hajj requires an Islamic Religion, and this religion was brought to the ruler of Timbuktu by none other than the trans-Saharan trade route. In his Hajj, Mansa Musa was escorted by a caravan consisting of 60,000 men including a personal retinue of 12,000 slaves, all of whom were clothed in colorful and expensive Persian silk. As well, he brought 80 to 100 camels burdened with 300 pounds of gold each. This rich emperor rode on horseback and was directly preceded by 500 slaves, each of whom carried a four pound staff of solid gold. Further examples of Mansa Musa's ultimate wealth are shown when he visited Cairo on his long journey. It is said that the emperor was so generous in his spending that he flooded Cairo's markets with gold, causing such a decline in its value that over a decade latter it still hadn't fully recovered. The trans-Saharan desert was an exemplary show of cultural diffusion, not only of products but of intangible goods as well.

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A brisk trade between North Africa and West Africa quickly grew. Control of this trade brought power and riches to three West African kingdoms- Ghana, Mali, and Songhai.

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They slowly got richer and richer

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