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Renewable, and i think fossil fuels... but not very sure, But hope this helps since you know not everyone knows the resources.... Well your welcome anyway!!

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Q: What are the other 2 energy resources other than nonrenewable?
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What is the energy resources that cannot be replaced or are replaced more slowly than they are used?

Do you mean nonrenewable resources? Nonrenewable resources are thing like gasoline and other fossil fuels.

Which of the following is a true statement about nonrenewable energy sources?

Nonrenewable resources are those that are consumed faster than they can be replaced.

What are nonrenewable energy sources?

Natural resources that are used up more quickly than they can be replaced are nonrenewable resources. Earths supply of nonrenewable resources are limited . You use nonrenewable resources when you take home groceries in plastic bags, paint a wall, or travel by car. plastic, paints, and gasoline are made from important nonrenewable resources called petroleum, or oil, petroleum is formed mostly from the remains of microscopic marine organisms buried in the earths crust. It is nonrenewable because it takes hundreds of millions of years for it to form.

Why are nonrenewable resources used more than renewable resources?

It is because, more energy comes from the nonrenewable resources than the renewable ones. Therefore we use more of the nonrenewable resources.

Why are renewable sources of energy better option than nonrenewable resources?

Because renewable sources can be replenished (apex) because we will not run out of them

Why are the nonrenewable resources vital to the energy supply and economy of the US?

some conventional nonrenewable energy sources(like:- coal, petrolium etc) are important as those do not depend on climate or environment,place etc.

What is an example of an nonrenewable?

A nonrenewable resource is something like oil or coal because they are resources that are used faster than they can be replaced.

Define nonrenewable resources?

Renewable resources take more than a one hundred years to be made.

What is an example of nonrenewable sources?

A nonrenewable resource is something like oil or coal because they are resources that are used faster than they can be replaced.

What is example of a nonrenewable source?

A nonrenewable resource is something like oil or coal because they are resources that are used faster than they can be replaced.

Will renewable energy resources last longer than nonrenewable resources?

Renewable energy resources like sun, wind, hydro, tidal etc will last as long as the sun is still going.Non-renewable resources like fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas) are limited, and will eventually run out if we keep on burning them.

What type of resource can be used over and over again?

Resources that are replenished faster than they are depleted are called renewable resources. Resources that are depleted faster than they are replenished are called nonrenewable resources.