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Enzyme activity increases with temperature, but only up to a point.

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Q: What are the relationships between enzymes and temperature?
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Related questions

What determines the effectiveness of enzymes?

The temperature in which the enzymes are effects the effectiveness of enzymes. Enzymes work best at a temperature of 37 which is the body temperature.

What is hythergraphy?

Hythergraph is a plotted graph showing the relationships between precipitation and temperature.

Are enzymes permanently inactivated by high temperature extremes or are changes in the enzymes reversible?

Enzymes are permanently inactivated by high temperature extremes. They are denatured.

Enzymes have optimal temperatures.most human enzymes have an optimal temperature of about?

The optimal temperature of enzymes in humans is about 37c, the same as the human body's temperature. However, some enzymes work at higher temperatures than 37 but not very high because higher temperatures denatures (destroy) the enzymes.

How does temperature affect the rate of fermentation?

Alcoholic fermentation involves the actions of enzymes. Enzymes function properly within their optimal temperature range. An increase or decrease in temperature can denature the enzymes, causing them not to function.

Is temperature a factor that affects enzyme activity?

yes. at low temperature enzymes won't work as effectively, and at high temperature enzymes are denatured.

What changes are enzymes sensitive to?


At what temperature do the enzymes in the digestive system work best at?

body temperature

How do enzymes in your body make chemical reactions occur at a safe temperature?

how does enzymes in your body make chemical reactions occur at safe temperature

What can be denatured by changes in temperature or pH?


Why all digestive enzymes have their optimal temperature at around 37C?

Digestive enzymes are optimal around 37C due to the temperature allowing for maximum metabolism. The enzymes are most efficient at their highest metabolism and activity.

At what temperature do human enzymes work best at?

Enzymes in the human body work best at human body temperature, so about 35-40 degrees (Celsius). A lower temperature would have too low of an effect to be able to sustain life, and a higher temperature causes the enzyme to denature (unravel) and be rendered ineffective.