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In reality, there really is no similarity/commonality to best describe the Christian beliefs of God to the Muslim Islamic belief.

Christianity has both the Old and New Testaments to live by. Islam believes both OT and NT have been partially corrupted in transmission while the Koran is believed by Muslims to be the final and infallible revelation of God's will.

Though Muslims believe in God which they call Allah, Islam teaches that Allah is all-powerful, sovereign and 'unknowable' while Christianity teaches the Creator God to be revealed as merciful, compassionate and knowable (see Jeremiah 9:24 and John 17:3).

The Christian text teaches the God of the Old Testament was the Word and it was He who Abraham and the other patriarchs and prophets worshiped. Islam teaches the Word, aka Jesus 'as one of perhaps 124,000 messengers of prophets Allah has sent and is one of the 25 listed in the Koran - but He is not the redeemer' (Marvin Olasky, "Islam vs. Liberty," World, Sept 10, 2011).

All in all, there are more differences and conflicts between the Christian texts and the Muslim text, as well as the Koranic conflicts with secular history.

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Christianity and Islam have a facial similarity of having a monotheistic God and a lineage of Judeo-Christian prophets who have revealed the will of that God to mankind. This is easily discernible from a basic reading of the two religions' holy texts.

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Both of them are monotheistic. Meaning that that they both believe in only one god.

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Islam. Christianity and Judaism are together known as the Abrahamic Faiths. They share the same monotheist world view, same prophets, same core values and same Middle Eastern heritage.

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