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Probably a natural ability to sell people something they never wanted, or needed in the first place.

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Q: What are the steps in becoming an insurance agent?
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How should I plan to become an insurance agent?

To become an insurance agent, most companies require an agent to have a college education. You will also have to be licensed with your state. You can read more at

What is the first step in becoming an insurance agent?

The first step to becoming an insurance agent is to get yourself bonded. I have a friend who used this website to get started. - Cached - Similar

How do you become a auto insurance agent in the state of Ohio?

I searched for an auto insurance agent ohio in Google and other directories like Every Insurance agent. Find somebody in ohio that knows what the steps are.

What classes are required to become an insurance agent?

For information on becoming an insurance agent, I recommend visiting the BLS and this website:

Where can I get personal trainer insurance?

Read up on all the steps involved at but don't overpay for it there. Go to a local insurance agent and figure out whether this liability insurance is a better deal at an actual insurance agent's location.

Where can I find information about becoming a licensed insurance agent? can help you get the training that you need. They specialize in insurance education and you can do all your training online.

Steps to become an insurance agent?

One of the best and most over looked parts of doing well as an insurance agent is getting a firm educational background in business or economics in school. Once that's finished, take the exam for an insurance license.

Can a person become a life insurance agent with a felony criminal recordI still didn't get my question answered.?

Yes, in some cases a person with a felony can become a life insurance agent. However, it will depend on the type of crime that was committed. Any crime to do with money such as embezzlement will decrease chances of becoming an insurance agent.

How To Be An Insurance Agent?

Many people find that being an insurance agent is a rewarding career. In order to become an insurance agent, you need to pass state licensing tests that certify that you understand insurance regulations and policies in your region. Learning this material takes time. Some insurance companies will hire individuals and pay for their training while they study for the examination, while others only hire agents who have already passed all the necessary licensing and certification tests. Talk to an insurance agent in your area and ask them what steps you need to take in order to become an insurance agent.

What are the rights of an agent in insurance?

An insurance agent has a contract with an insurance company which specifies his rights; but basically an agent has a right to be paid a commission for the insurance that he or she sells.

What is the role of insurance agent in insurance company?

An insurance agent is responsible for the sales of the company's insurance products/services. An agent is generally considered to be the agent of the insurer, whereas a broker is generally considered to be a representative of the insured. That is, the agent is more closely bound to the insurer that it represents, whereas a broker usually represents many insurers and shops for an insured. That said, there is becoming less of a distinction between the two. An agent also often gets involved in assisting the insurer with submitting covered claims to the insurer for payment. An agent has a fiduciary duty to the insured (a duty of trust and to act in good faith). An agent is licensed and regulated by the insurance regulatory authority of the state(s) in which he/she transacts business.

Who does an agent represent in an insurance transaction?

The agent represents the insurance company, not the customer who is buying the insurance.