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If you can stretch the fusible link like a rubber band, it is blown.

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Q: What are the symptoms of a fusable link going bad?
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How do you fix a bad fusable link?

Look on the original fusable link wire, you should see a amphere rating number. You can purchase a length of that fusable wire from your local auto parts store and splice it in.

Where is the fusable link on a corvair and what are the symptoms if it should fail?

The fusible link on a Corvair is located next to the starter solenoid. When a fusible link starts to go bad, you will notice intermittent failure of windows, wipers, radio, and central locking.

Why would a 1996 3500 dodge manual diesel not charge?

Bad alternator? Bad battery (Unable to take a charge) Bad fusable link?

Why won't the alternator charge?

Bad alternator? Bad voltage regulator? Bad Battery (won't take a charge)? Bad fusable link? Loose or corroded battery cables?

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Check for bad connections or fusable link

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Bad fusable link?

My alternator is not getting power from the battery The wiring from the battery to the solenoid and from the solenoid to the alternator is good is this a bad solenoid the car will start and run?

Check for a bad fusable link at alternator

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Bad alternator not charging battery? Bad voltage regulator? Blown fusable link?

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Your issue could be with a piece of fusable link that is located behind the battery. Sometimes this can blow causing the same symptoms of a bad altenator. I would check here first before doing to much more troubleshooting.

Why would brake reverse hazard and turn signal lights and headlights left on buzz sound all work but headlights dash and running lights won't?

Have you checked the fuses? If OK, possible bad fusable link. The fusable link is a piece of wire that acts as a fuse in between the battery and fuse box. In other words, make sure you're getting power to all the fuses in your fuse box. Useing a test light, turn key on and see if the etst light "lights up" at every fuse. If you get no power at the fuse box, most likely a bad fusable link. Why would a fusable link burn out: Look for anything added on to the car like, stereo systems, etc. Sometimes these can over draw the wiring and blow a link. Hope that helps.

Why would a 1998 villager starts and died then have no power at all?

Blown fusable link?Bad ground cable?Bad alternator - vehicle running off battery and battery drained of all power?

Why would the brake lights license plate lights nor the rear windshield brake light work on your Ford Mercury Grand Marguis?

Are all the bulbs burned out maybe? Possible bad fusable link. Check fuse box with key on to make sure you're getting power there to all the fuses. If no, replace fusable link.