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Queluz is a city in Portugal. Quartu Sant'Elena is a city in Italy.

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12y ago

The only country to start with the letter Q is Qatar, but this country is located in Asia, not Europe.

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· Queluz is a city in Portugal

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Q: What are places in Europe that start with the letter q?
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What are things in Europe that start with the letter q?


Is there anywhere in Europe beginning with q?

There are many places in Europe beginning with Q. Here are just 3 to start with. Quinton. Quilty. Queensferry.

Places in Europe that start with q?

i think queens but im not exactly sure.

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Queretaro is a city in Mexico. It begins with the letter Q.

What are the names of European countries starting with letter q?

There are no European countries which have names that start with the latter Q. The only country I know of which does start with Q is Qatar and it is not in Europe.

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Quartzsite is a town in La Paz County, Arizona. It is one of the few things in Arizona that begin with the letter Q.

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What is a place in Europe that has the letter Q in it?


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The only Scrabble letter that starts with Q is the letter Q.

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There are no pronouns in English that start with the letter q.