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It depends on where this grassland biome is located, since there are grassland biomes on just about every continent in the world: North America, South America, Central America, Africa, Asia, Europe, and Australia. Each continent has their own grassland predators, from the African Lions of Africa to the dingos of Australia, and the wolf and coyote of North America.

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13y ago
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14y ago

There are many carnivorous predators in the forest, (or forests, depending on which type) including Wolves, such as the Grey Wolf, Bears, such as the Black, Grizzly, Kodiak, and Sun Bear, Foxes and Badgers are the main predators native to England, Wildcats such Cougars, Ocelots and Bobcats live in America and Africa, and in Tropical forests Leopards, Jaguars and Black Panthers roam around.

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10y ago

In a deciduous forest you could have black bears, grizzlies, lynxes, wolves, coyotes, foxes, mountain lions, or even panthers. Though wolves, grizzlies and mountain lions are usually the top predators.

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11y ago

Humans are the top predator, but the next one would probably be dinosaurs, tigers, female lions, jaguars, and wolves.

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12y ago

There is not. There are lot, like the shark, bear, loin, but I think the TOP one is a shark. NOTHING eats them.exept human

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14y ago

top predators are animals that eat other animals but don't get eaten themselves

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12y ago

I don't know you should ask jeeves it helps with my food chains stuff

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15y ago

lions, tigers, and bears *oh my!* B.A.

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Q: What are the top carnivores in the deciduous forest?
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What biome has deciduous trees?

I'm pretty sure it's the Deciduous Forest. Hope that helps!

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There are typically more consumers (such as herbivores and carnivores) than producers (plants) in a deciduous forest ecosystem. This is because energy is transferred and lost at each trophic level, resulting in a larger number of individuals at the lower trophic levels.

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Deciduous forest

What are carnivores in a deciduous forest?

Some carnivores in a deciduous forest are coyotes, wolves, black bears, hawks, snakes, lynxes, and mountain lions. There are many others too I'm sure but those are the few unspecific ones that I know of.

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the deciduous forest, desert, grassland, deciduous forest. ChaCha!

What is the top layer of a deciduous forest called?

The canopy consists of layers of treetops that shade the forest floor.

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Mainly fresh water is in a deciduous forest.

Are there monkeys in the temperate deciduous forest?

Yes, I think there are monkeys in the deciduous forest

What biome is Ohio part of?

Temperate Deciduous Forest

Which organism might be at the top of the food chain in a deciduous forest?

a hawk can be at the top of the food chain. Also a owl can be at the top of the food chain.