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Q: What are the uses of counter stain?
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Why is the counter stain for gram stain procedure differ from the counter stain used for acid fast procedure?


What is the counterstain in a spore stain?

the counter stain is safranin 0.5%

Why add saffranin?

Saffranin is a " counter stain " . this is also a " basic dye " which is in different color than primary stain ( basic dye crystal violet ) . The purpose counter stain ( saffranin ) is to give the decolourised cells a color , that is different from first one ( crystal violet ). The microbes which are not decolourised by alcohol retains the stain, while the decolourised cell take up the counter stain ( saffranin ).

What color are gram negative cells?

Gram positive bacterial stain purple. They do not take up the counter stain.

Why a counter stain is used in histopathological slide preparation?

The primary stain is selective - it will only highlight certain structures or proteins. The counter stain gives color and definition to the rest of the slide so that the relationship between the highlighted structure and the rest of the cell can be determined.

What happens when you only use counter stain gram positive?


What is gram stain reaction for Borrelia Burgdoferi?

when stained with Gram stain Borrelia take up the counter stain which is carbol fuchsin or safranin and they appear as Gram negative spiral rods in gram film. In order to stain them the time required for staining them is little bit more as compared to normal gram staining. The initial steps are the same but once you apply the counter stain leave it for a while may be 5-10 mins depending upon the strength of counter stain. After washing the slide and drying once can see them on oil immersion lense.

Remove stain from limestone counter top?

Supposedly, a "poultice" made of hydrogen peroxide and distilled water, left to sit on the stain, will draw it out.

What type of dye is used to stain the specimen when the acid-fast stain and the gram stain are used?

Both processes use 2 stains. The Gram staining process uses crystal violet as the primary stain and safranin as the secondary stain. Acid-fast staining uses carbol fuchsin as the primary and methylene blue as the secondary.

Do granite counter tops need any special care?

Yes, you will have to make sure your granite counter top is properly sealed or it will stain.

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one of marbles uses are counter tops

Why do all cells stain purple in the flagella stain but not in the gram stain?

The gram stain uses a decolorizing product so it is possible to differentiate between the gram and the gram cells. Gram positive cells stain purple in color.