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Q: What are three factors that influence raytheon strategic planning?
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three of many factors that influence Halliburtons strategic, tactical, operational, and contingency planning are safety, environmental considerations, and workforce..

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I am doing a management planning paper on Global Crossing. I have to evaluate the planning function of management for Global Crossing, also I have to identify at least one legal, ethical, and social responsibilty tat impact the company. I have to analyze at least three factors that influence the company's strategic, tactical, operational, and contingency planning.

What are factors that influence human resources planning?

There are many factors that influence human resources planning. The most common factors include scope of the task, workforce required and the resources available for use among other things.

What are some factors that influence contingency planning?

There are many factors that influence contingency planning. A contingency plan is a written list of procedures in case of emergencies. It is essentially a back up plan. Some factors that influence it in business are business goals, government regulations, and economic concerns.

Hw environmental factors influence the planning and design of project planning and design in project management and planning?

Environmental factors influence the planning and design of project planning and design in project management and planning and planning are: 1.The objective of the environmental planning. 2.The people who will use the environment itself. 3.The transportation will use in the environmental. 4.Others environmental support for the activities in the environment's.

What are the factors that influence language planning?

Factors that influence language planning include sociopolitical considerations, such as government policies and national identity; demographic factors, like population size and distribution of linguistic groups; economic considerations, including language's impact on trade and business; and cultural factors, such as the preservation of heritage languages and promotion of linguistic diversity.

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time, scope, and cost

What factors might inhibit HRD managers from developing a strategic planning approach to training?

A factor that would inhibit a human resource director from developing a strategic planning approach is changes in the organization that have yet to be defined. It is highly important for them to do so when they are merging or acquiring another organization.