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Hate speech criminalization is a major limitation on speech.

Diversity people are granted special protection by big government so as to prevent their hurt feelings and prevent them from reacting with violence toward a hate speaker. If a Diversity person or a hate speaker react with any form of violence, only the hate speaker is necessarily subject to government prosecution for hate speech. The intent of hate speech criminalization is to chill criticism of Diversity people.

Another limitation on speech is free speech zones designated by big government. Outside a free speech zone a speaker is subject to arrest and prosecution.

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Though freedom of expression is allowed in most democratic countries limits are required, some are legally enforceable.
Slander an libel. Revealing state secrets. Acts or actions that may lead to injury of another person are some limitations.

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What are the limits of freedom of speech?

It Deppends, You cant say badwords, You cant say anthing thats harmless so there are a few limits but remember some people dont have freedom of speech.

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They could be placed in jail.

What are the possible consequences people risk when they refuse to respect the limits placed on freedom of speech and freedom of press?

Some people and organizations do not respect freedom of speech or freedom of press. These people can be prosecuted and jailed.

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Yes, because it limits the amount that the government can interfere in your life

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The guarantee of freedom of speech and the press apply to government limits on your freedom, not your employer's limits. For example, if you work at Gimbel's department store, the government could not stop you from wearing a shirt that advertises for Macy's, but you r employer could. Essentially, because you are free to find another job, your employer can limit your activities in the workplace in ways that the government is not allowed.

What are two right protected by the first amendment?

Two rights that were included were the Freedom of Speech and Jury Trials.

Are there some important limits on freedom of speech in the US?

It's illegal to scream Fire! in a crowded auditorium when there is no fire.

What are two rights or freedoms from the first amendment?

1st amendment. freedom of religion, speech, press, assembly, and petition.

Who gained freedom of speech and freedom of the press?

It was the American people who gained freedom of speech and freedom of the press. These two rights, among many others, are found in the Bill of Rights of the U.S. Constitution.

How does freedom of speech relate to same-sex marriage?

The two issues are mostly unrelated. Marriage is a social contract; it is not considered "freedom of speech." Freedom of speech involves the seeking, receiving or imparting of information or ideas.