

What base is present in spinach?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: What base is present in spinach?
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Is spinach an acid or a base?

Spinach juice is not but an acid may contain some acids (eg. oxalic acid), more than base.

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What is the name of acid present in spinach?

oxalic acid

What base is present in base?

a base

Is acetic acid present in spinach?

No. Acetic acid is vinegar. One acid in spinach is oxalic acid, which can form kidney stones (calcium oxalate) in susceptible individuals.

How much iron does spinach have?

A half cup of raw spinach has about 0.4 mg of iron and a half cup of cooked spinach has about 6.4 mg.

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vitamin D

Did the Romans once inhabited Italy?

Yes, present day Italy was the ancient Roman's "home base".Yes, present day Italy was the ancient Roman's "home base".Yes, present day Italy was the ancient Roman's "home base".Yes, present day Italy was the ancient Roman's "home base".Yes, present day Italy was the ancient Roman's "home base".Yes, present day Italy was the ancient Roman's "home base".Yes, present day Italy was the ancient Roman's "home base".Yes, present day Italy was the ancient Roman's "home base".Yes, present day Italy was the ancient Roman's "home base".

What chemical element does spinach have?

Spinach's main elemental components are carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. As far as trace components a study of the chemical composition, the minerals K, Ca, Mg, Na, Fe, Zn, Cu and P were present.

Why carrot is red and spinach is green?

Carrots are orange not red and they are this color because they do not absorb the color red from the light. Spinach is green due to chlorophyll pigment present in the chloroplast of the leaf tissue.