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Natural Resources, like diamonds and gold

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Q: What benefits did Europe gain as a result of the colonization of Africa?
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How Filipino political life change as a result of spanish colonization?


Explain how filipino political life changed as a result of spanish colonization.?

Spanish colonization of the Philippines introduced a centralized system of government, causing the traditional political structure of various tribes to be replaced by a hierarchy under Spanish authority. The imposition of Spanish laws, language, and religion led to the integration of Filipino elites (principalia) into the colonial administration, creating a class division within society based on loyalty to the Spanish crown. This colonization also sparked resistance movements such as the Katipunan, which eventually led to the Philippine Revolution and the establishment of the First Philippine Republic.

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it is the perspective of a rebirth

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What was one result of colonization of Canada by Europeans?

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What was the one result of colonization of Canada by Europeans?

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The middle east has been a crossroad for trade from Asia Africa and Europe What is a major result of this fact?

Many different cultures can be found in the middle east

What is the result of the Spanish colonization of the Americas?

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What is a result of the spanish colonization of the Americas?

most people in Latin america are Roman Catholic