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Nationalism plunged Western Europe (actually, all of Europe and most of the world) into two world wars.

World War I was basically a war of European Great Powers competing against each other to exemplify their power. Prior to the war, nationalist built up in these nations to the point were people were ready to fight just to show how much better their country was.

World War II was also a war due to nationalism, on the Axis side, although mostly present in Germany and Japan.

Nazi Germany had plans for building a racial empire, and planned to show the greatness of Germany once again. The foundation of the German state was based on the "Aryan" race. Their large territorial advancements and horrible human rights eventually got the best of them and trigged World War II directly.

Japan, a Great Asian Power, also planned to establish a massive empire, but in the Pacific. They, too, built their empire upon race, where non-Japanese were treated harshly, in similar ways the Germans treated non-"Aryans". The Japanese also believed in their culture and emperor so much that they were willing to die for their nation.

Italy had been experiencing high levels of nationalism since before World War I. Although a part of the Allies in WWI, Italy felt they were robbed of their rewards for victory. This led to a the rise of fascism that eventually overtook the government. Italy did not have views of a racial empire, however. They only wished for more land, as in a new Roman Empire. However, they became an ally of Germany. Germany's power overshone Italy's, and Italy fell subject to most of Germany's plans for a racial empire without much choice.

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