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Nothing. This is why most pre-vet majors have a second major in a related field such as Biology or chemistry. If vet school doesn't work out (which happens more often than not), the second major allows the student to find work with a BS in a major science.

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Q: What can you do with a pre-vet degree if you don't get into vet school?
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Can you get into a good veterinary school with just a degree in biology or do they specifically want a pre-veterinary program degree?

Yes, you are just as competitive on your application with a biology degree as anyone else with a pre-vet degree. Actually, you may have a slight edge over someone with just a pre-vet degree, as the biology degree shows foresight and probably a Plan B if you aren't accepted to vet school on your first try. A Pre-Vet degree is useless unless you are accepted to vet school.

Is an associate's degree required to be a veterinarian?

A veterinarian has a Doctorate's Degree in Veterinarian Medicine. That requires 3 to 4 years of school after a Bachelor's Degree. Entrance into vet school is one of the most competitive graduate schools to get into. Many that fail to get into vet school go to med school instead!

What needs do you need to be a vet?

a four year (bachebr degree) plus four year of vet school

What is pre vet?

"Pre-vet" is a descriptor used either to indicate a degree plan or set of courses that meets the requirements for application to vet school or a student who is enrolled in such courses with the goal of applying to vet school.

Do you have to have a high school deploma to be a vet?

Yeah, and you have to have a college degree in a science related area of study. And then you have to go to vet school for a couple more years after you get your undergraduate degree. Unless you mean "vet" as in veteran. Somebody who served in the military forces. Then you just need high school or a GED certificate.

Does vet school have dorms?

it depends on what collage some of them do some of them dont

What can you do once you have your pre-vet degree?

Not much - either apply to and be accepted to vet school or keep working to finish out a secondary major.

What kind of school do you go to if you want to be a vet?

You need a degree in veterinary science. Then you need to go medical school.

How long do I need to go to school to be a Veterinary Assistant?

Vet assistants should at least have an undergrad degree. This is a 4 year degree.

Does a vet tech degree go toward a d.v.m?

In the United States, the courses you complete to earn a BS in veterinary technology could partially complete the pre-requisite courses needed to apply to vet school. However, the vet tech courses cannot be directly substituted for courses in vet school - the degree of difficulty and depth of information need are much greater for veterinarians than for vet techs.

How many years of school will you attend after high school to become a vet?

At a minimum, 7 years - 3 years of undergraduate plus 4 years of vet school. However, most applicants to veterinary school have earned a Bachelor's degree (4 years of undergraduate) and some have also completed a Master's degree (another 2-4 years, depending on degree and program).

Can you be a veterinarian at 25?

no, you cannot be a veterinarian at 25 because you need 4 years of an undergraduate degree (if you start right after high school, you will be getting this degree from ages 18-22, and then vet medical school from 22-26). So you can't be a vet at 25.