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Nothing. There is nothing that you can take to control the hypothalamus galnd. And that is a good thing because it runs virtually all autonomic processes in the body. Current estimates suggest that 80% of your body communication occurs at this level, and considering what a poor job people are doing with the things they can control in relation to their health, that would be disasterous for sure.

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Q: What can you take to control the brain hypothalamus gland?
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Do you have to reset your hypothalamus gland with medications?

No; normal, healthy individuals without a disease affecting their hypothalamus do not need to "reset" their hypothalamus with medications. Only in certain disease states do patients need to take medications to alter the function of the hypothalamus. The hypothalamus has exquisite control over many regulatory functions of the body. These include hunger, day/night cycles, basal metabolic rate, growth, fertility, pregnancy, sexual behavior, temperature, etc. In most individuals, the hypothalamus does a marvelously good job at regulating these functions without any need for medication. In fact, trying to "reset" the hypothalamus with medications when it isn't necessary can actually lead to more harm than good.

What supplements do you need to take to keep your hypothalamus regulated?

This is an odd question because most people consider the hypothalamus to be the master regulator of the body. While the hypothalamus is itself regulated by feedback mechanisms and descending control pathways from the brain (especially the limbic system), one doesn't often speak of regulating the hypothalamus. The hypothalamus of normal healthy individuals is constantly working to maintain homeostasis, requiring the constant regulation of many organs and organ systems. It does this by secreting hormones and releasing neurotransmitters, small chemicals that transmit messages between nerve cells. Normal healthy individuals do not require supplementation in order to achieve a healthy, functioning hypothalamus.

How do humans sleep?

when your body is tired u need to take you close your eyes and your exhausted body sleeps.this is because of the messages coming from the medulla of your hind brain which regulates transitions between sleep and wakefulness.moreover hypothalamus of fore brain also controls sleep.sleep is also under control of the circadian rhythms which are the actions repeated after a day.

Why do geinosions take clone troopers?

to put brain worms in them to control them

How does nerves control human body temperature?

The hypothalamus is responsible for some very important functions. One important function of the hypothalamus is the control of body temperature. The hypothalamus acts as a "thermostat" by sensing changes in body temperature and then sending signals to adjust the temperature. For example, if you are too hot, the hypothalamus detects this and then sends a signal to expand the capillaries in your skin. This causes blood to be cooled faster. The hypothalamus also controls the pituitary. The hypothalamus is composed of several different areas and is located at the base of the brain. Although it is the size of only a pea (about 1/300 of the total brain weight).

Why does the brain control everything?

Your brain controls your breathing, movement, speech, blood circulation and everything else at the same time so TAKE CARE OF YOUR BRAIN!!

How does the brain control your body?

the brain controls your body because there are nerve cells and your brain is the one sendind messages to the nerve cells to take take it to that part of your body which makes it move. for example, if your brain wants you to move your hand, the nerve cells would take that message to your hand and it will move. which means , your brain is the one making you do the stuff you do everyday.

What causes body temp loss?

Body temperature loss can be caused by a variety of internal and external factors. External factors would include cold weather, swimming in cold water, inadequate clothing for the season, etc.. Internal factors that can contribute to hypothermia could include a hypothalamus gland problem. The hypothalamus gland, located in your skull along with your pituitary gland ( which take residence in the Sphenoid bone that makes part of your anterior skull ) is the master temperature regulator in human beings. A defect in this gland can cause a problem in temperature regulation. Thyroid issues have also been known to mess with thermoregulation. Internal factors usually are glandular in origin, but can also be contributed to other issues like medication side effects etc..

Do they take the adrenal gland during a nephrectomy?

Yes, during a radical nephrectomy, they may also take the adrenal gland.

This is the function of the hypothalamus gland?

It partially helps protect the heart along with the pericardium.Produces hormones that stimulate the production of certain infection fighting cells.Sod children it is thought to help in immunity by producing WBC including T-cells, how ever it atophys as you get older, and so adults dont tend to have one (their bones and spleen take over those jobs!)

What is Panhypopituitarism?

panhypopitiutarism is a condition where a person does not have a pituitary gland. This means the part of your brain that helps you to grow and develop, is not thier. People with this disease have no symptoms, but have to take thyroid medicine, as well as growth hormeone and cortef.