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Check/replace turn signal flasher

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Q: What causes the blinkers not to work on a 1997 Mitzubishi Eclipse Spyder?
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What causes my blinkers to blink left when i tun them on for the right in my Chrysler town and country?

I would say that there is a miswiring of the blinkers.

What causes blinkers to work intermittently?

most likely a bad turn signal flasher

What causes 2 main types of eclipse?

A shadow thrown by the Moon (solar eclipse) and a shadow thrown by the Earth (lunar eclipse).

How does the moon create an eclipse?

The moon comes between sun and earth which causes moon eclipse

When the Moon passes directly between the Earth and the Sun it causes a lunar eclipse?

No. it is a solar eclipse.

What causes the Blinkers to stopped working in a 2001 grand am?

There could be numerous problems that may cause this fault. Personally, my blinkers started going out (working sometimes and sometimes not) and what I found out is this...The flasher switch that is located in the dashboard above the radio is faulty. When my blinkers do not work i just tap down on the flasher switch without turning it on and my blinkers work again. Shotty electrical work in this car if ya ask me.

During a solar eclipse what is taking place?

The moon moves in between the sun and earth which causes the eclipse.

What part of earth causes a lunar eclipse?

The Earth has to be directly between the Moon and the Sun to caus a lunar eclipse.

What causes a total eclipse of the sun?

The moon passes in front of the sun and this causes a shadow to be cast on the earths serface. When the sun is completely covered by the moon this is called a total eclipse.

What causes a shadow on the earth during a solar eclipse?

The Moon.

When do you have moon eclipse?

Once in a while earth's shadow falls on the moon,temporarily blocking out the sunlight that causes it to solar eclipse.

What role do shadows play in eclipses?

It provides the light seen around the Moon, in a solar eclipse. It provides the light the Earth blocks out, during a lunar eclipse. Light leaks around the Earth, in a lunar eclipse. Since Earth's atmosphere absorbs and scatters blue, the light reaching the Moon is red, almost a brick red when you look at the eclipsed Moon.