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If you pass your full motorcycle test you can ride any bike with 33bhp or less and power to weight ratio no more than 0.16 kw/kg. There is no restriction on engine size whatsoever as long as the bike is restricted to 33bhp & 0.16kw/kg you can ride it. Most manufacturers provide factory or dealer fitted options for restrictions.

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Q: What cc bike can you ride at 19 in the UK?
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What cc bike can you ride at 19?

It depends on where you live. You should be able to ride all in the US

How old do tou have to be to ride 49cc scooter in the UK?

you have to be 16 qwith a cbt (compulsive basic training) certificate to ride legally in the UK on a 49 cc scooter or bike

What is the minimum cc bike you can ride on motorway?

50cc - 600cc

Can you ride a 600 cc bike with 33bhp on a cbt?

No on a cbt you can only ride up to 14.6 bhp to ride a 33bhp bike you must pass you full test .

Can kids ride 50 cc scooter on streets?

In the UK, a child aged 16 and above can ride a 50cc scooter on the road provided they have passed their Motorcycle Theory Test, Motorcycle Riding Test, have Insurance and the bike is taxed and MOT'd.

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the biggest cc engine you can ride on is a 50cc on L plates i would suggest buying something like a aprilia rs50 as this will get you used to a feel of a bike they also go faster than the scooters

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There was a day when he used to ride motorcycles.It was a mini bike 49 cc ; i know it isn't much but it got me from a to b.Chibi

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in my neighborhood you can as long as your 16 years of age and its less then 50 cc

What motor bike cc can you drive with an English car licence?

Assuming in UK and a full car licence: You can ride a trike but not a motorcycle sidecar combination. After passing a CBT (Compulsory Basic Test) you can ride a 125cc on L plates. Follow the link.

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depends where you live and how big it it : I live in Las Vegas Nv and have a 110 cc super pocket bike and i ride it all over w no problems

What dirt bike did travis pastrana first ride?

honda z 50 cc when he was 4 years old

What is the minimum age for compulsory basic training on a moped?

In the UK, A CBT allows a rider to ride a moped up to 50 cc with a provisional licence from 16 years of age. You cannot legally ride a motorised bike under the age of 16 on public roads.