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I did this lab experiment in my Biology class. When Lugol's indicator is added to glucose, it turns to a dark green colour for starch it turns black and for surcose it turns yellow.

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Q: What color is glucose when lugol's iodine is added?
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What is lugols iodine?

The Lugol solution has a brown color.

Which reacts to iodine glucose or starch?

Starch reacts to iodine to form a blue-black color, while glucose does not have a specific reaction with iodine. This is the basis of using iodine solution to detect the presence of starch in a substance.

Is iodine an indicator of glucose?

Iodine is not an indicator of glucose. Iodine is primarily used as an indicator for the presence of starch in a solution through the formation of a blue-black color complex. Glucose can be tested using methods such as Benedict's solution, Fehling's solution, or glucose test strips.

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What is the colour of starch after iodine has been added?

The color of starch after iodine has been added is deep blue to black.

What is the color obtained when iodine is added to starch?

Blue .

What color is dextrin when lugol's iodine is added?

When Lugol's iodine is added to dextrin, the color change is typically a blue-black coloration. This reaction is often used as a test for the presence of dextrin in a substance.

What does lugol's iodine?

it is iodine and potassium iodide solution It's a orange colored solution that consists of Iodine and Potassium Iodide and is used to test a substance for starch. If the color of the solution turns black when put on/in the substance, then the substance is positive for starch.

In the lugols solution test what color is a positive test?

intense blue or black

What color would you see if iodine is added to starch?

A deep blue colour

What color develops when iodine solution is added to starch solution?

A dark blue/black color develops when iodine solution is added to starch solution. This color change occurs due to the formation of a starch-iodine complex, where the iodine molecules interact with the helical structure of the starch molecules, resulting in the blue/black color.

What is iodine used as an indicator for?

Iodine is used as an indicator for starch. When a substance has iodine added to it, then it will turn into a dark blue color. This is a sign that the substance indeed has starch in it.