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Bread turns blue-black when iodine solution is added due to the presence of starch. The iodine reacts with the starch molecules in the bread, forming a complex that gives this characteristic color change.

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Q: What colour does bread go when you add iodine solution?
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What happens when you add iodine with water?

When iodine is added to water, it forms a solution where the iodine molecules dissociate, producing a characteristic brown color. This color is due to the interaction of iodine molecules with water molecules.

What is the theoretical achromatic point of salivary amylase?

If we add salivary amylase to any solution ( eg:iodine solution) the colour of solution changes to blue.THE TIME TAKEN BY THE SALIVARY AMYLASE TO CHANGE ITS(iodine solution) COLOUR TO BLUE IS CALLED ACROMATIC POINT OF SALIVARY AMYLASE. ie, the time upto which the solution is colourless and after that it gains blue colour.

What is the chemical test to confirm the presence of starch?

1. Place a small amount of starch powder in a test tube filled with cold water 2. Boil it to make a clear solution 3. Once the solution has cooled off, you should put 3 or 4 drops of iodine solution in it. 4. The solution should turn dark blue.

Add a drop of iodine to both a distilled water test tube and to the test tube containing the starch solution in the test tube What do you observe?

Adding iodine to distilled water will not result in any observable reaction, as iodine does not react with water. However, adding iodine to the starch solution will turn the solution blue-black, indicating the presence of starch through the formation of a starch-iodine complex.

Why do you need to add iodine solution to a specimen?

Iodine solution is commonly used to test for starch. If starch is present in a substance (e.g. a leaf which undergone photosynthesis) then the iodien solution would turn blue black. If no starch is present then it remains as light brown.

What is the difference between starch solution and iodine solution?

Starch solution is a solution of starch in water, typically used to detect the presence of iodine. Iodine solution is a mixture of iodine and potassium iodide in water, used as an indicator for the presence of starch. In other words, starch solution contains starch and iodine solution contains iodine.

How do you prepare Wijs solution from iodine monochloride vial for determining the iodine value of a fatty acid?

To prepare Wijs solution from iodine monochloride vial, weigh a specific amount of the iodine monochloride into a flask, add glacial acetic acid, then add a small amount of iodine crystals and mix well until dissolved. The resulting solution is Wijs solution, which can be used for determining the iodine value of a fatty acid by titration with unsaturated bonds in the fatty acid.

How do you prepare 0.1 Normality of iodine solution?

To prepare 0.1 Normal iodine solution, you would need to dissolve 12.7 grams of iodine in 1 liter of a solvent such as water and then adjust the volume accordingly. This solution can be standardized using a thiosulfate solution to verify the normality.

How do you prepare 0.1M iodine solution?

To prepare a 0.1M iodine solution, dissolve 12.7g of iodine (I2) in 1 liter of distilled water. Make sure to handle iodine with care as it can stain and irritate the skin and eyes. Stir the solution until the iodine is completely dissolved.

How can you test for presence of starch in Food items?

You can test for the presence of starch in food items using iodine solution. When iodine solution is added to a food sample, it will turn blue-black in the presence of starch. This color change indicates the presence of starch in the food item.

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Preparation of 0.1n iodine solution?

According to Kodak: For a 0.1 Normal (0.1N) solution of iodine (I2), in 1 L volume flask, dissolve 40 g potassium iodide in 25 mL water. Next, add 12.7 g iodine (I2) and dilute to 1 L. Note that a 0.1N solution is not the same as a 0.1M solution. For iodine 0.1N is 0.05M.