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Many religious communities have a moral absolutist code of ethics. Christianity, Judaism, and Islam are all major world religions that demonstrate moral absolutism with strict rules for behavior and clear definitions of right and wrong.

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Q: What communities demonstrate admirable moral absolutism?
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Which of the following communities in Colonial America demonstrate admirable moral absolutism A The Quakers B The abolitionists C The Jainists D All of the above?

Moral absolution means the ethical belief or view that there are absolute standards that moral questions can be judged. Communities that demonstrate this belief include Quakers, Jainists, and Abolitionists.

What communities demonstrate admirable moral absolotism?

all of the above apex

What is admirable moral absolutism?

all of the avobe

The show admirable moral absolutism by their commitment to peace and conscientious objection to war?


Moral absolutism is the school of thought in which actions are regarded as inherently?

Moral absolutism views all actions as either moral or immoral.

What Moral absolutism deny?

Moral Absolutism denies that Cultural Norms and Customs define morally right behavior.

What ideas opposed absolutism?

Absolutism is opposed to moral relativism, that denies the existence of universally applicable moral principles.

In moral absolutism shades of grey in thinking?

That they do not exist

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Moral Absolutism

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"The answer is clear to me."

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the crucible is a political comentary itself on the salem witch trails.