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that is mostly a sign of a common disease known as ick [ tiny white spots on the body if not treated soon fish will die occasionally. ] treatment for this is ick away, ick guard, or something that has to do along the lines of that. if you need help ask someone at the pet store the might be able to tell you. but however there is other common disease that can cause that. im not sure what can but the only one that i know of is ick.

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Q: What could be wrong if your Betta's fins aren't as flowing and beautiful as they used to be and they seem to be clumped together now?
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Related questions

What is a bettas main feature?

its beauty and long flowing fins

Can betas be with normal goldfish?

Bettas and goldfish cannot live together. The bettas will be aggressive towards the goldfish because of its flowing fins. Also a betta lives in tropical waters, 75-78 degrees. while a goldfish is coldwater 68-70 degrees.

Why can't bettas be in the same tank together?

bettas cant be in the same tank together because bettas wher ment to fight eachother or diffrent aquatic animals.

What does a Betta look like?

I will provide a link to show you what they look like. They vary in colour and size and shape, but they have the same basic look to them. Answer Bettas have beautiful long flowing fins. They come in many different colors.

Where do you get beautiful bettas?

i would try breeders or betta shows

Can female bettas be put with other female bettas?

Yes,but those betas can not have baby's together!

Can ghostshrimp and bettas live together?


How old are Bettas when you buy them?

Bettas are typically about 2 years old when you buy them at it takes that length of time to grow their flowing fins; the females may be slightly younger since they do not grow fins like a male.

Are female and male bettas bad to have together?

Generally they will not get along.

Are female bettas ugly?

No, they are quite beautiful. But compared to the males their colors are more muted, and their fins are not as showy.

What happens if you put a male Betta fish with a female Betta Would they kill or fight with each other?

You can NOT keep female and male bettas together! Male bettas can get very aggressive and will fight to the death. Make sure to separate your bettas.

Do bettas fight for weman?

yes bettas do fight for the woman that is y u only puts one male and one female in a tank together. but no more than one male.