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Menstrual cycle interruption (called Amenorrhoea if it lasts more than 3 months) has many causes. Beginning some contraceptive medicines can cause an interruption in the cycle. Depo Provera and similar drugs, and those that have only Progestogen commonly cause interruption in the menstrual cycle as a side effect. Since the other causes I've noted below take time to develop, I'd bet that you've likely started on a contraceptive recently and the side effect is what's causing it. But that's just a guess, based on what you said about being 100% certain it's not pregnancy related.

Assuming that you have no eating disorders such as anorexia, the next most logical reason is Iron Deficiency in your diet. While you might not be anemic at this point, you should get your blood checked to verify if you are low on iron, and get started on supplements before you do become anemic.

The reason I mention anorexia is that the Amenorrhoea can happen if you're on a severe diet or have lost a lot of weight recently. It's the weight loss and food restriction that causes the drop in hormone levels in the female hypothalamus. Normal menstrual cycles require a woman to have at least 22% body fat. When hormone levels get low, the body shuts down menstruation in order to protect protein and blood reserves.

As far as the cramping, your body thinks it's still going through the cycle even if there's no blood discharge. Wonderful, huh?

You should get your blood checked to see what your Iron and Hormone levels are. It can take time to get back to normal if you don't have any assistance.

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Q: What could be wrong with me if I completely missed a period have been cramping and there is NO possible way for me to be pregnant?
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That's not possible. If vaginal bleeding occurs you're either not pregnant or aren't anymore

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this could be a sign of pregnancy however this could be a sign that youmay be soon due to start your period. a home test will be able to tell you if you are pregnant the first day that your period is late. as when first pregnant you may not have all the symptoms at once.

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If you have missed your period and are pregnant, you most likely got pregnant around 14 days before your missed period.

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Late or missed period, nausea, vomiting, headaches, dizziness, fatigue (very tired), breast and nipple tenderness, some women also have mild cramping.

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it deffinatly sounds like it, however, I had a period that started off that way. If you have missed a pill that could be the reason why

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