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Japan, Malaysia, Denmark, Australia, and The Faroe Islands all abuse dolphins.

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Q: What countries abuse dolphins?
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Which countries hunt dolphins?

JAPANESE!! there are a lot of videos on youtube about killing dolphins.. It's really sad...

What countries have the most animal abuse?

you know that who answers this question

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California and Florida have the highest numbers of teen drug abuse

What countries do dolphins live in?

With a few exceptions dolphins are marine animals and therefore live in Oceans not countries. They are found worldwide, mostly in the shallower seas of the continental shelves The exceptions are the: The Amazon River Dolphin Ganges and Indus River Dolphin Chinese River Dolphin

What are dolphins a predator or prey?

Yes. Sharks and Orca will take young dolphins. Young dolphins will swim beside their mothers and a pod of dolphins will aggessively protect their young.

What countries abuse animals?

Animal abuse is not limited to any group of countries. It can happen in the United States, Canada ... all the way around the world. The definition of animal abuse is quite subjective. What constitutes animal abuse is subject to cultural interpretation. To a typical American, the idea of dragging dolphins out of the sea to suffocate on a beach is horrible abuse. In Japan, it is an accepted practice in fishing villages. Keeping animals penned up is not abusive for most Americans but is a terrible abuse in the Navaho culture. The huge hog farms in North Carolina and Arkansas are considered abusive by many people, but not to the feed lot owners. In parts of India, eating animals of any kind is considered abuse. In much of East and Southeast Asia, if it walks, wiggles, swims or flies, it is ok to eat it. In America, most people consider it OK to eat beef, pork, and lamb, but eating many other animals is forbidden either by custom or by law.

What countries use animal fighting as an attraction?

There are very few countries that don't, sadly. Off the top of my head I can think of Mexico (cock fighting), America (dog fighting) and Spain (bull fighting). Of course these three types of animal abuse are not restricted to these countries, like many "sports" (Animal abuse disgusts me more than almost anything), animal abuse spreads with alarming rapidity.

What gets abused most?

# Animal abuse # Child abuse # Elder abuse # Spousal abuse # Emotional abuse or psychological abuse # Physical abuse # Sexual abuse # Spiritual abuse # Verbal abuse * Human rights abuse * Legal abuse (Vexatious or malicious litigation/prosecution) * Drug abuse * Internet abuse The answer depends on what you define as abuse. The list is most likely quite endless. And some people thrive in situations where others crumble. Sorry for the lack of a good answer; but with what little information I have on your perspective and why you need this information, this is the best answer I've got for you.

Does child abuse happen a lot in NZ?

Fairly high rates compared to other countries.

Why Does The US And Other Western Countries Dislike The Dolphin Hunting?

I think the main reason has to do with the level of intelligence of dolphins.

What are some of the faced by woman in deveoping countries?

Women in developing countries face many dangerous things such as forced marriages, abuse, rape, and deadly diseases.