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Animism is practiced in various countries, with significant populations in countries such as Nigeria, Indonesia, Japan, Thailand, and various parts of Africa and Asia. Animism is an indigenous belief system that can be found in different cultures worldwide, where spirits are believed to exist in nature and objects.

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Q: What countries are animists?
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Which races or countries or states are most reluctant in accepting evolution as the reason man exists?

AnswerMexico, Central & South America, Italy, Canada, Poland, Spain, and most of the predominately Catholic countries. The Scandinavian countries are the most accepting of evolution.

Which latin American countries have citizens of African descent?

Countries with significant populations of African descent in Latin America include Brazil, Colombia, Venezuela, and Cuba. These countries have a history of African slavery and have diverse populations that include people of African heritage.

Is homosexuality legal in the whole world?

Homosexuality is legal in many countries around the world, but there are also countries where it is still illegal and even punishable by law. Laws regarding homosexuality vary significantly from country to country, with some offering legal protection and recognition, while others criminalize same-sex relationships.

What are the examples of cultural and economical neocolonialism?

Cultural neocolonialism can be seen in the dominance of Western media and cultural products in many countries, leading to the marginalization of local cultures. Economical neocolonialism is evident in the exploitation of cheaper labor and resources in developing countries by multinational corporations from developed countries, leading to economic dependency and unequal power dynamics.

What countries practice primal indigenous?

Some countries where indigenous peoples have historically practiced primal indigenous lifestyles include Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and various countries in Africa, South America, and Asia. These indigenous communities have unique cultural practices, beliefs, and relationships with the land that are tied to their traditional way of life.

Related questions

What do Animists beileve?

Animists believe that each person has a spirit that either helps or hurts humans.

What religions are practiced in Philippines?

As with many other countries, the Philippines have multiple religions, including Jewish, Catholics, Muslims, Buddhists, Protestants and animists.

What religions are there in East Timor?

Christians (mostly Catholic), Muslims and Animists.

What are three main beliefs of the ancient Sudanese religion before Christianity and Islam?

before Islam and Christianity the sudanese people were animists so they worshipped spirits in nature or spirits in general. Till today the sudanese have animists beliefs and traditional beliefs but the marjority is Muslim I believe 75-85% of the sudanese are Muslims and the rest are either christian or animists.

What is the name of the believers of animism?

There are different types of animism, but a person who follows an animist path is generically called an "animist."

Do Polynesians believe in a form of the Christian God?

AnswerMost Polynesians are now Christians, so they do believe in the Christian God. They were formerly animists.

What do you think about the African belief in God compared to other philosophy that claim that there is not God?

Africans are traditionally animists, that means that they perceive and communicate with spirits in every object and subject.

What are the 3 basic beliefs of animism?

Practitioners of Animism believe that humans, animals, and even natural occurrences such as lightening and mountains contain souls. In some cases other things, such as words, can be believed to have souls. Animists teach nature with the highest respect, and in their view humans are a part of nature, rather than being separate from it. Animists also heavily rely on the use of rituals to help them gain the favor of spirits to ensure things like good health and fertility. In death, Animists believe that a persons soul lives on after their physical body dies.

What does Africa religion involve Islam?

Actually, there is no one "African religion." Africa is a very diverse continent, and there are a number of countries where one religion is dominant. But that one religion is not always Islam. In Africa as a whole, there are about 40% of people who identify as Muslims. (Some sources say 45%.) But there are also has about 45% who identify as varying kinds of Christians. And then, in certain cities, there are Jews, Hindus, Animists, and others.

What religion did the Cheyenne Tsitsistas practice?

The Cheyenne are Plains Indians. They are animists - that is, they believed everything had a spirit, everything was alive, from the rocks, to the rivers, to the sky.More can be found here:

How many number of followers are in animism?

There are around 400 million Animists.It should be noted that Animism is not ONE religion but a category of religions (similar to how Monotheism is not ONE religion but a category of religions). Any particular Animist faith will usually only have several thousand adherents, but there are tens of thousands of distinct animist faiths.

What are some religious practices in the Philippines?

most filipinos are catholic, so for those who fall under that category theygo to mass and fast on lent. there are also muslims, buddhists and other religious groups. there are also wiccans and animists.