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Only The U.S., Canada, Europe, And Asia have lyme disease

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Q: What countries are infected with lyme disease?
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What are carriers of lyme disease?

Blacklegged ticks are carriers of lyme disease

How do ticks get infected with the Lyme disease bacteria?

Ticks are infected when their host is infected. The infected ticks then spread the disease to humans.

Are there any cases of lyme disease in the Philippines?

Lyme disease can occur anywhere there are infected ticks. If a tick is carrying the lyme disease, and you get bit, no matter where you are, you can catch it.

How and where is lyme disease spread?

Lyme disease is spread by ticks. Lyme disease can be pretty much everywhere.

Which people are at risk for Lyme Disease?

Anyone can be at risk of Lymes Disease if they come in contact with an infected tick.

How was lyme disease named?

Actually, it wasn't named after SOMEBODY, it was named after a city in Connecticut. Lyme, Connecticut in 1975.Children usually got arthritis, and the disease eventually infected the skin, joints, nervous system, and, if untreated, other organs.

Is there a vaccine or immunity against Lyme disease?

Lyme disease vaccine has not been produces since 2003, but once a person is infected with a particular strain of the disease, they can develop an immunity that can last up to nine years.

Is lyme disease an std?

No. Lyme disease is a tick-borne infectious disease.While it may be possible to get Lyme disease through sexual intercourse with an infected person, there is still research being done to prove or disprove this theory.It is not, however, a sexually transmitted disease.Some say Lyme Disease can not be sexually transmitted and that Lyme Disease is transmitted through a tick that is infected with it. However, research has proven that the lyme bacterium can be transmitted through any biting insect not just ticks. Also one of the lyme bacterium is a spirochete (Borrelia Berdorfi). A well known sexually transmitted disease is syphilis which is a spirochete.Till further studies prove this wrong I would assume that Lyme can be transmitted through the sharing of body fluids.

A bacterial infection called Lyme disease is spread by what?

Lyme disease can be spread through contact of the blood from an infected person. It can also be spread through sexual intercourse. While those are the least uncommon ways, here are other ways you can catch and/or spread Lyme disease. -Tick & mosquito bites -Dogs, horses, cats, & mice all have the ability to get sick with Lyme disease. You can catch it by inhaling the scent of the infected feces. Therefor, the most common way to get Lyme Disease through animals is cleaning litter boxes.

Why is Lyme disease caused from deer walking the streets at night?

It's not. Lyme disease is transmitted to humans through the bite of an infected deer tick. Areas with a large deer population have a higher incidence of Lyme disease, as there is also a larger number of deer ticks in the area.

What bacteria caused lyme disease?

Lyme Disease is caused by a bacteria transmitted by ticks. In the United States, the bacteria responsible is known as Borrealia burgdorferi. In Europe, it is most often referred to as Borrelia afzelii and Borrelia garinii.There are about 11 species of the Borrelia bacteria but just 3 are known to carry the bacteria.The Borrelia carriers of this disease are Deer Ticks and Sheep ticks. When these infected ticks bite animals such as Sheep and the same is consumed by humans, we become infected with the disease.

How many victims are infected with Lyme disease per year?

about 20,000 Americans are reported each year.