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As of 2021, there are no countries that explicitly permit slavery. Slavery is universally condemned and prohibited by international law, as stated in various human rights conventions and treaties. However, instances of forced labor and human trafficking still occur in different parts of the world, despite being illegal.

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Q: What countries don't prohibit slavery?
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Why did Great Britain prohibit slavery in the 1800?

To make them look better

Who presented a proviso to congress to prohibit slavery in the Mexican cession?

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King was an opponent of slavery and introduced a resolution in the Continental Congress to prohibit slavery in the Northwest Territory.i have no idea i cant even find it on my report :(

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The Northwest Ordinance outlawed slavery in the territory. However the ordinance did allow for indentured servants to be held in the territory. The US Constitution did not prohibit slavery at that time.

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Yes, the northwest ordinance of 1787 prohibited slavery in the northwest territory.

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Some countries besides Canada that may prohibit someone with a felony DUI from entering include Japan, United Arab Emirates, and Mexico. It is important to check the specific entry requirements of the country you plan to visit as they can vary.

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The constitution should prohibit the states from participating in the international slave trade.

Is there still slavery?

Slavery is illegal in every country in the world. However, human trafficking and forced labor still exist in various forms, posing significant challenges to eradicate these practices entirely. Efforts are ongoing to combat modern-day slavery and protect the rights of all individuals.

What countries does allow students to listen to music?

Avoid countries like Saudi Arabia, Korea, or other extremist countries that prohibit activity such as this.

How was American slavery different from slavery in other countries?

it wasnt different

Does slavery still exsist?

Yes, unfortunately, slavery still exists in various forms around the world, including forced labor, sex trafficking, and debt bondage. It is a serious human rights issue that continues to affect millions of people globally. Efforts by governments, organizations, and individuals are being made to combat and eradicate modern slavery.