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None. Neo-Aramaic and Syriac, both modern dialects of the ancient Aramaic are spoken in the areas formerly belonging to the Assyrian empire. Many Bedouins in and around Israel still speak Aramaic, but they do not constitute a country.

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4d ago

Modern Aramaic is still spoken in some communities in Syria, Iraq, Iran, and Turkey, primarily among various Christian and Jewish groups. It is also spoken by Assyrian and Chaldean Christian communities in diaspora, particularly in the United States, Canada, and Australia.

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Q: What countries still speak aramaic?
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What countries speak Aramaic today?

Aramaic is spoken primarily in small communities in a few countries including Syria, Iraq, Turkey, and Lebanon. These speakers are part of various Christian and Jewish communities who have preserved the language over the centuries.

What is Aramaic are they the first to speak the English language?

Aramaic is a Semitic language that originated in the Near East and was commonly spoken in ancient times. It is not the same as English, which belongs to the Germanic language family. English developed from a mixture of languages, including Old English, Latin, and French, and its origins trace back to the 5th century.

What languages did and do the Assyrians speak?

Assyrian, Aramaic and Neo- Aramaic.

What African country speaks Aramaic?

No African country speaks Aramaic as a primary language. Aramaic is a Semitic language that originated in the Near East and is primarily spoken in parts of the Middle East. It is not a language commonly spoken in Africa.

Do people speak Aramaic today?

Yes, Aramaic is still spoken today by certain communities, particularly in Syria, Iraq, and Iran. However, its usage is limited, and the number of fluent speakers is decreasing as many switch to more widely spoken languages.

What languages are spoken in Assyria?

Assyrians speak Aramaic. Which was the language spoken by Jesus Christ and still is spoken. Aramaic has been spoken by Assyrians for over 2000 years

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Do Ethiopians speak Aramaic?

The official language of Ethiopia is Amharic, not Aramaic.

Did Jesus speak amharic?

Jesus spoke aramaic

Who speaks Aramaic?

Aramaic is spoken by some Assyrian, Chaldean, and Syriac communities in the Middle East, mainly in Iraq, Syria, Turkey, and Iran. It is also used in some religious rituals by certain Christian denominations. Additionally, some small Jewish communities continue to use Aramaic for religious purposes.

Should Aramaic replace English as the international language?

Not very many people speak Aramaic ... so, no.

What language did the Nazarenes speak?

The Nazarenes likely spoke Aramaic, which was a common language in the region during ancient times. Arabic and Hebrew may have also been spoken by some members of this community.