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Its language, spelling and pronunciation, most of its immigrant population, its government, and its head of state (the Queen).

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Q: What did Britain contribute to Canada?
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he dident contribute to it he was agenst it. he was loyal to Britain and did not contribute.

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Yes, they certainly do. They contribute a LOT to Canada's needs.

The relation between Canada and Britain?

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Does Canada have a relationship with great Britain?

Yes, Canada and Britain have an excellent relationship.

How is Canada tied to Britain today?

Canada and Britain are the leading members of the Commonwealth.

Does Canada trade with Great Britain?

Yes, Canada trades with Great Britain.

How is Canada still to Britain today?

Canada and Britain are the leading members of the Commonwealth.

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What primary activities contribute to Canada's economic well-being?

What primary activities contribute to Canada's economic well being

What happened as a result of the seven years of war?

France lost Canada to Britain

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Canada was the victory over the battle against Britain

What ended Canada and Great Britain?

Canada is still around. So is great Britain.