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He advocated resistance to the British rule using non violence means, the cause was to free the poverty stricken Indians from unfair British rule. In reality his last protest was in 1942 and India got independance in 1947, his movement was overhyped and only played a small part in the independance of India from Britain, but gets high accolades for being peaceful and non violent. The real reason the British left was because they had milked India of its riches and had nothing left except for disgruntled subjects, as well as Britain was facing a crisis econmoically due to the world war.

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Ghandi was a Hindu man who lived in India. He fought for India's independence without violence. Eventually the British allowed India to have independence, but instead of just India being a whole country with religions united, India became a country for hindus, West Pakistan became a country for Muslims, and East Pakistan became a country for Natives. Se when Ghandi wanted independence for his country, he wanted all the religions united by the people refuseing the law without violence.

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