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Valentine was a third century priest, possibly a bishop, in Rome. When the Roman Emperor Claudias Gothicus started having problems raising an army, he made marriage illegal. He could not legally draft married men into service. Valentine, it is reported, continued to marry couples in secret, much to the displeasure of the emperor. He also is said to have ministered to Christians that the emperor had thrown into prison. He had Valentine arrested and imprisoned. While there he reportedly cured the young daughter of his jailer of blindness and became her friend. Just before Valentine was beaten to death and beheaded, he is said to have sent the young girl a letter telling her to remain faithful to God. He signed the letter, "From Your Valentine."

While parts of the story of Valentine may be legend, there is no way to prove or disprove it. However, he was undoubtedy a very holy and pious man who put his duties as a priest above his own personal safety.

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You have it backwards. Valentine's Day is named after Saint Valentine of Rome and February 14 is his feast day.