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Q: What did peasant get from the feudal lord and what did the feudal lord get in return?
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What do you call someone that does not believes in villeins?

A villein is a peasant farmer in the feudal era tied to a lord of the manor. There is no believing or not, so there is no word to denote this position in feudal society. A person is a peasant or not.

What was a person in the lower class of the feudal system obligated to the lord but free in other ways was called?

A peasant.

Who received land in return for military service to the lord?

try feudal society

What are Feudal serfs tied to the earth called?

They're called villeins or serfs, they both have the same meanings. A serf or villein is an un-free peasant bound to a particular land and owned by their Feudal lord.

What was the peasant feudal contract?

No, serfs did not take part in a feudal contract. They were born into their station in life, and there was no need to obtain the promises required for feudalism from wholly free people. The serfs had a measure of freedom, but they were bound to the land legally.

What was a peasant responsible for in the feudal system?

A peasent is responsible for farming the land, making crops and doing whatever their land owner or lord or owner had asked them to do

Land held by feudal lord?

Land held by a feudal lord was known as a "fief" or "feudal estate." This land was granted to the lord by the king or a higher-ranking noble in exchange for loyalty, military service, and other obligations. The lord could then grant smaller portions of the land to vassals in return for their loyalty and service.

In the feudal system who could give land and who could receive it?


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What is another name for feudal peon?

A serf or peasant

What is a peasant in feudal Europe?

A peasant owned no land, so they weren't directly a part of the feudal system. Many peasants worked on lands owned by knights or nobles.

How do hierarchy in a sentence?

In English times... the feudal hierarchy was as follows: king-> aristocracy (bishop , baron, duke, then lord) -> knight -> squire -> peasant or serf Feudal system: a rigid hierarchy of rights and duties according to social situation